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module scripting
import os
pub fn verbose_trace(label string, message string){
if os.getenv('VERBOSE').len > 0 {
slabel := 'scripting.${label}'
println('# ${slabel:30s} : $message')
pub fn verbose_trace_exec_result(x os.Result) {
if os.getenv('VERBOSE').len > 0 {
println('# cmd.exit_code : ${x.exit_code.str()}')
println('# cmd.output :')
println('# ----------------------------------- #')
mut lnum := 1
lines := x.output.split_into_lines()
for line in lines {
println('# ${lnum:3d}: $line')
println('# ----------------------------------- #')
pub fn chdir(path string) {
verbose_trace(@FN, 'cd $path')
os.chdir( path )
pub fn run(cmd string) string {
verbose_trace(@FN, cmd)
x := os.exec(cmd) or { return '' }
verbose_trace_exec_result( x )
if x.exit_code == 0 { return x.output }
return ''
pub fn command_exits_with_zero_status(cmd string) bool {
verbose_trace(@FN, cmd)
x := os.exec(cmd) or { return false }
verbose_trace_exec_result( x )
if x.exit_code == 0 { return true }
return false
pub fn tool_must_exist(toolcmd string) {
verbose_trace(@FN, toolcmd)
if command_exits_with_zero_status( 'type $toolcmd' ) { return }
eprintln('Missing tool: $toolcmd')
eprintln('Please try again after you install it.')
pub fn used_tools_must_exist(tools []string) {
for t in tools {
pub fn check_v_commit_timestamp_before_self_rebuilding(v_timestamp int) {
if v_timestamp >= 1561805697 { return }
eprintln('# WARNING: v self rebuilding, before 5b7a1e8 (2019-06-29 12:21) #')
eprintln('# required the v executable to be built *inside* #')
eprintln('# the toplevel compiler/ folder. #')
eprintln('# #')
eprintln('# That is not supported by this tool. #')
eprintln('# You will have to build it manually there. #')