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2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
module eval
import v.pref
2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
import v.ast
import v.util
import math
import strconv
pub fn (mut e Eval) expr(expr ast.Expr, expecting ast.Type) Object {
match expr {
ast.CallExpr {
// println(expr.is_method)
// is_method := expr.left.type_name() != 'unknown v.ast.Expr'
// println(is_method)
if expr.name == 'int' {
e.error('methods not supported')
mut args := expr.args.map(e.expr(it.expr, it.typ))
if expr.is_method {
args.prepend(e.expr(expr.left, expr.receiver_type))
match expr.language {
.c {
if expr.is_method {
e.error('c does not have methods')
match expr.name.all_after('C.') {
'read' {
return Int{C.read(args[0].int_val(), args[1] as voidptr, args[2].int_val()), 64}
2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
'write' {
return Int{C.write(args[0].int_val(), args[1] as voidptr,
args[2].int_val()), 64}
'malloc' {
return Ptr{
val: unsafe { C.malloc(args[0].int_val()) }
2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
'calloc' {
return Ptr{
val: unsafe { C.calloc(args[0].int_val(), args[1].int_val()) }
2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
'getcwd' {
unsafe {
return Ptr{
val: C.getcwd((args[0] as Ptr).val as voidptr, args[1].int_val())
'memcpy' {
unsafe {
return Ptr{
val: C.memcpy(args[0] as voidptr, args[1] as voidptr,
// 'printf' {
// mut voidptr_args := []voidptr{}
// for arg in args[1..] {
// // if arg is Int {
// // voidptr_args << voidptr(arg.val)
// // } else {
// voidptr_args << voidptr(&arg)
// // }
// }
// // println((e.local_vars['s'].val as string).str == voidptr_args[1])
// println('helo?$voidptr_args')
// // println((byteptr(voidptr_args[1])[0]))
// x := strconv.v_sprintf(args[0] as string, ...voidptr_args)
// // println('helo!')
// // println(x.len)
// y := C.write(1, x.str, x.len)
// println('aft')
// return Int{y, 32}
// }
else {
e.error('unknown c function: `$expr.name`')
.v {
// TODO: Anon functions
name := expr.name.all_after_last('.')
mod := expr.mod
mut func := e.mods[mod][name] or {
e.mods['builtin'][name] or { ast.EmptyStmt{} }
if func is ast.FnDecl {
e.run_func(func as ast.FnDecl, ...args)
if e.return_values.len == 1 {
return e.return_values[0]
} else {
return e.return_values
e.error('unknown function: ${mod}.$name at line $expr.pos.line_nr')
// .js {
// e.error('js is not supported')
// }
else {
e.error('$expr.language is not supported as a call expression language')
ast.StringLiteral {
// escape the escapes
mut res := ''
mut is_escape := false
for c in expr.val {
if is_escape {
res += e.get_escape(rune(c)).str()
} else if c == `\\` {
is_escape = true
} else {
res += rune(c).str()
return Object(res)
ast.IfExpr {
if expr.is_expr {
e.error('`if` expressions not supported')
if expr.is_comptime {
for i, branch in expr.branches {
mut do_if := false
if expr.has_else && i + 1 == expr.branches.len { // else branch
do_if = true
} else {
if branch.cond is ast.Ident {
if known_os := pref.os_from_string(branch.cond.name) {
do_if = e.pref.os == known_os
} else {
match branch.cond.name {
'prealloc' {
do_if = e.pref.prealloc
else {
e.error('unknown compile time if: $branch.cond.name')
2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
} else if branch.cond is ast.PostfixExpr {
do_if = (branch.cond.expr as ast.Ident).name in e.pref.compile_defines
if do_if {
return empty
} else {
for i, b in expr.branches {
mut result := e.expr(b.cond, ast.bool_type_idx)
if expr.has_else && i + 1 == expr.branches.len { // else block
if result is bool {
if result as bool {
} else {
e.error('non-bool expression: $b.cond')
return empty
ast.InfixExpr {
left := e.expr(expr.left, expr.left_type)
right := e.expr(expr.right, expr.right_type)
return e.infix_expr(left, right, expr.op, expecting)
ast.IntegerLiteral {
// return u64(strconv.parse_uint(expr.val, 0, 64)
return i64(strconv.parse_int(expr.val, 0, 64) or {
e.error('invalid integer literal: $expr.val')
}) // TODO: numbers larger than 2^63 (for u64)
ast.FloatLiteral {
return f64(strconv.atof64(expr.val) or { e.error(err.str()) })
2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
ast.BoolLiteral {
return expr.val
ast.Ident {
match expr.kind {
.variable {
// println(e.local_vars[expr.name].val.type_name())
return e.local_vars[expr.name].val
.constant {
return if expr.name.contains('.') {
} else {
}[expr.name.all_after_last('.')] or { ast.EmptyStmt{} } as Object
else {
e.error('unknown ident kind for `$expr.name`: $expr.kind')
ast.CastExpr {
x := e.expr(expr.expr, expr.expr_type)
if expr.typ in ast.signed_integer_type_idxs {
match x {
Uint {
return Int{
val: i64(x.val)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expr.typ))
Int {
return Int{
val: i64(x.val)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expr.typ))
Float {
return Int{
val: i64(x.val)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expr.typ))
i64 {
if expecting in ast.signed_integer_type_idxs {
return Int{
val: x
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expecting))
} else {
return Uint{
val: u64(x)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expecting))
f64 {
if expecting in ast.signed_integer_type_idxs {
return Int{
val: i64(x)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expecting))
} else {
return Uint{
val: u64(x)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expecting))
else {
e.error('unknown cast: ${e.table.sym(expr.expr_type).str()} to ${e.table.sym(expr.typ).str()}')
2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
} else if expr.typ in ast.unsigned_integer_type_idxs {
match x {
Uint {
return Uint{
val: u64(x.val)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expr.typ))
Int {
return Uint{
val: u64(x.val)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expr.typ))
Float {
return Uint{
val: u64(x.val)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expr.typ))
i64 {
return Uint{
val: u64(x)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expr.typ))
f64 {
if expecting in ast.signed_integer_type_idxs {
return Int{
val: i64(x)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expecting))
} else {
return Uint{
val: u64(x)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expecting))
else {
e.error('unknown cast: ${e.table.sym(expr.expr_type).str()} to ${e.table.sym(expr.typ).str()}')
2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
} else if expr.typ in ast.float_type_idxs {
match x {
Uint {
return Float{
val: f64(x.val)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expr.typ))
Int {
return Float{
val: f64(x.val)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expr.typ))
Float {
return Float{
val: f64(x.val)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expr.typ))
f64 {
return Float{
val: x
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expr.typ))
else {
e.error('unknown cast: ${e.table.sym(expr.expr_type).str()} to ${e.table.sym(expr.typ).str()}')
2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
} else if expr.typ in ast.pointer_type_idxs {
y := *(x as Ptr).val
if expr.typ == ast.byteptr_type_idx {
match y {
char, voidptr {
unsafe {
return Ptr{
val: (x as Ptr).val
else {
e.error('unknown cast: ${e.table.sym(expr.expr_type).str()} to ${e.table.sym(expr.typ).str()}')
2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
} else if expr.typ == ast.voidptr_type_idx {
match y {
char, Int {
unsafe {
return Object(voidptr((x as Ptr).val))
else {
e.error('unknown cast: ${e.table.sym(expr.expr_type).str()} to ${e.table.sym(expr.typ).str()}')
2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
} else if expr.typ == ast.charptr_type_idx {
match y {
voidptr, Int {
unsafe {
return Ptr{
val: &char((x as Ptr).val)
else {
e.error('unknown cast: ${e.table.sym(expr.expr_type).str()} to ${e.table.sym(expr.typ).str()}')
2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
} else if e.table.sym(expr.typ).kind in [.interface_, .sum_type] {
if e.pref.is_verbose {
eprintln(util.formatted_error('warning:', 'sumtype or interface casts return void currently',
e.cur_file, expr.pos))
2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
} else {
e.error('unknown cast: ${e.table.sym(expr.expr_type).str()} to ${e.table.sym(expr.typ).str()}')
2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
ast.SelectorExpr {
exp := e.expr(expr.expr, expr.expr_type)
match exp {
string {
match expr.field_name {
'str' {
return Ptr{
val: exp.str
'len' {
return Int{exp.len, 32}
else {
e.error('unknown selector to string: $expr.field_name')
Array {
match expr.field_name {
'len' {
return Int{exp.val.len, 32}
else {
e.error('unknown selector to array: $expr.field_name')
else {
e.error('unknown selector expression: $exp.type_name()')
ast.ArrayInit {
if expr.has_len || expr.has_cap || expr.has_default {
if expr.has_len && !expr.has_cap && expr.has_default {
return Array{
val: []Object{len: int((e.expr(expr.len_expr, 7) as Int).val), init: e.expr(expr.default_expr,
} else if !expr.has_len && expr.has_cap && !expr.has_default {
return Array{
val: []Object{cap: int((e.expr(expr.cap_expr, 7) as Int).val)}
} else if !expr.has_len && !expr.has_cap && !expr.has_default {
return Array{
val: []Object{}
} else {
e.error('unknown array init combination; len: $expr.has_len, cap: $expr.has_cap, init: $expr.has_default')
if expr.is_fixed || expr.has_val {
e.error('fixed arrays are not supported')
mut res := Array{
val: []Object{cap: expr.exprs.len}
for i, exp in expr.exprs {
res.val << e.expr(exp, expr.expr_types[i])
return res
ast.CharLiteral {
if expr.val.len !in [1, 2] {
e.error('invalid size of char literal: $expr.val.len')
if expr.val[0] == `\\` { // is an escape
return e.get_escape(rune(expr.val[1]))
} else {
return rune(expr.val[0])
ast.StructInit {
// eprintln('unhandled struct init at line $expr.pos.line_nr')
return 'helo'
ast.SizeOf {
return Uint{e.type_to_size(expr.typ), 64}
ast.ParExpr {
return e.expr(expr.expr, expecting)
ast.PrefixExpr {
match expr.op {
.amp {
x := e.expr(expr.right, expr.right_type)
return Ptr{
val: &x
else {
e.error('unhandled prefix expression $expr.op')
ast.PostfixExpr {
match expr.op {
.inc {
e.add(expr.expr, Int{1, 64})
return e.expr(expr.expr, ast.i64_type_idx)
.dec {
e.add(expr.expr, Int{-1, 64})
return e.expr(expr.expr, ast.i64_type_idx)
else {
e.error('unhandled postfix expression $expr.op')
ast.StringInterLiteral {
mut res := expr.vals[0]
for i, exp in expr.exprs {
res += e.expr(exp, expr.expr_types[i]).string()
res += expr.vals[i + 1]
return res
ast.AnonFn, ast.ArrayDecompose, ast.AsCast, ast.Assoc, ast.AtExpr, ast.CTempVar,
ast.ChanInit, ast.Comment, ast.ComptimeCall, ast.ComptimeSelector, ast.ComptimeType,
ast.ConcatExpr, ast.DumpExpr, ast.EmptyExpr, ast.EnumVal, ast.GoExpr, ast.IfGuardExpr,
ast.IndexExpr, ast.IsRefType, ast.Likely, ast.LockExpr, ast.MapInit, ast.MatchExpr,
ast.NodeError, ast.None, ast.OffsetOf, ast.OrExpr, ast.RangeExpr, ast.SelectExpr,
ast.SqlExpr, ast.TypeNode, ast.TypeOf, ast.UnsafeExpr {
e.error('unhandled expression ${typeof(expr).name}')
2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
return empty
fn (e Eval) type_to_size(typ ast.Type) u64 {
match typ {
ast.voidptr_type_idx, ast.byteptr_type_idx, ast.charptr_type_idx {
return u64(if e.pref.m64 {
} else {
ast.i8_type_idx, ast.i16_type_idx, ast.int_type_idx, ast.i64_type_idx {
return u64(math.exp2(f64(typ - 2))) // this formula converts the type number to the bitsize
ast.byte_type_idx, ast.u16_type_idx, ast.u32_type_idx, ast.u64_type_idx {
return u64(math.exp2(f64(typ - 6))) // this formula converts the type number to the bitsize
ast.int_literal_type_idx, ast.float_literal_type_idx {
return 64
ast.f32_type_idx, ast.f64_type_idx {
return u64(math.exp2(f64(typ - 8))) // this formula converts the type number to the bitsize
else {
e.error('type_to_size(): unknown type: ${e.table.sym(typ).str()}')
2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
return -1
fn (e Eval) get_escape(r rune) rune {
res := match r {
`\\` {
`n` {
`0` {
else {
if res == `e` {
e.error('unknown escape: `$r`')
return res