2020-02-03 04:00:36 +00:00
// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// SDL2 port+wrapper, Twintris-like dual-game logic,
// and more, by Nicolas Sauzede 2019.
module main
import rand
import time
import os
import math
import sdl
import sdl.image as img
2019-12-08 20:30:38 +00:00
import sdl.mixer as mix
import sdl.ttf as ttf
[inline] fn sdl_fill_rect(s &SDL_Surface,r &SDL_Rect,c &SDL_Color){sdl.fill_rect(s,r,c)}
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
const (
Title = 'tVintris'
2020-03-20 15:41:18 +00:00
BASE = os.dir( os.real_path( os.executable() ) )
2020-03-07 13:14:37 +00:00
FontName = BASE + '/../../assets/fonts/RobotoMono-Regular.ttf'
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
MusicName = BASE + '/sounds/TwintrisThosenine.mod'
SndBlockName = BASE + '/sounds/block.wav'
SndLineName = BASE + '/sounds/single.wav'
SndDoubleName = BASE + '/sounds/triple.wav'
VLogo = BASE + '/images/v-logo_30_30.png'
BlockSize = 20 // pixels
FieldHeight = 20 // # of blocks
FieldWidth = 10
TetroSize = 4
WinWidth = BlockSize * FieldWidth * 3
WinHeight = BlockSize * FieldHeight
TimerPeriod = 250 // ms
TextSize = 16
AudioBufSize = 1024
// joystick name => enter your own device name
JOYP1NAME = 'Generic X-Box pad'
// following are joystick button number
// following are joystick hat value
JHP1UP = 1
// joystick name => enter your own device name
JOYP2NAME = 'RedOctane Guitar Hero X-plorer'
// following are joystick button number
// following are joystick hat value
JHP2UP = 4
2019-12-08 20:30:38 +00:00
const (
mix_version = mix.version
ttf_version = ttf.version
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
const (
// Tetros' 4 possible states are encoded in binaries
BTetros = [
// 0000 0
// 0000 0
// 0110 6
// 0110 6
[66, 66, 66, 66],
// 0000 0
// 0000 0
// 0010 2
// 0111 7
[27, 131, 72, 232],
// 0000 0
// 0000 0
// 0011 3
// 0110 6
[36, 231, 36, 231],
// 0000 0
// 0000 0
// 0110 6
// 0011 3
[63, 132, 63, 132],
// 0000 0
// 0011 3
// 0001 1
// 0001 1
[311, 17, 223, 74],
// 0000 0
// 0011 3
// 0010 2
// 0010 2
[322, 71, 113, 47],
// Special case since 15 can't be used
// 1111
[1111, 9, 1111, 9],
// Each tetro has its unique color
Colors = [
2019-12-08 20:30:38 +00:00
SDL_Color{byte(0), byte(0), byte(0), byte(0)}, // unused ?
SDL_Color{byte(0), byte(0x62), byte(0xc0), byte(0)}, // quad : darkblue 0062c0
SDL_Color{byte(0xca), byte(0x7d), byte(0x5f), byte(0)}, // tricorn : lightbrown ca7d5f
SDL_Color{byte(0), byte(0xc1), byte(0xbf), byte(0)}, // short topright : lightblue 00c1bf
SDL_Color{byte(0), byte(0xc1), byte(0), byte(0)}, // short topleft : lightgreen 00c100
SDL_Color{byte(0xbf), byte(0xbe), byte(0), byte(0)}, // long topleft : yellowish bfbe00
SDL_Color{byte(0xd1), byte(0), byte(0xbf), byte(0)}, // long topright : pink d100bf
SDL_Color{byte(0xd1), byte(0), byte(0), byte(0)}, // longest : lightred d10000
SDL_Color{byte(0), byte(170), byte(170), byte(0)}, // unused ?
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
// Background color
2019-12-08 20:30:38 +00:00
BackgroundColor = SDL_Color{byte(0), byte(0), byte(0), byte(0)}
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
// Foreground color
2019-12-08 20:30:38 +00:00
ForegroundColor = SDL_Color{byte(0), byte(170), byte(170), byte(0)}
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
// Text color
2019-12-08 20:30:38 +00:00
TextColor = SDL_Color{byte(0xca), byte(0x7d), byte(0x5f), byte(0)}
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
// TODO: type Tetro [TetroSize]struct{ x, y int }
struct Block {
x int
y int
enum GameState {
paused running gameover
struct AudioContext {
music voidptr
volume int
waves [3]voidptr
struct SdlContext {
2019-12-14 00:31:07 +00:00
pub mut:
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
w int
h int
window voidptr
renderer voidptr
2019-12-08 20:30:38 +00:00
screen &SDL_Surface
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
texture voidptr
actx AudioContext
jnames [2]string
jids [2]int
// V logo
2019-12-08 20:30:38 +00:00
v_logo &SDL_Surface
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
tv_logo voidptr
struct Game {
// Score of the current game
score int
// Count consecutive lines for scoring
lines int
// State of the current game
state GameState
// X offset of the game display
ofs_x int
// keys
k_fire int
k_up int
k_down int
k_left int
k_right int
// joystick ID
joy_id int
// joystick buttons
jb_fire int
// joystick hat values
jh_up int
jh_down int
jh_left int
jh_right int
// game rand seed
seed int
seed_ini int
// Position of the current tetro
pos_x int
pos_y int
// field[y][x] contains the color of the block with (x,y) coordinates
// "-1" border is to avoid bounds checking.
// -1 -1 -1 -1
// -1 0 0 -1
// -1 0 0 -1
// -1 -1 -1 -1
field [][]int
// TODO: tetro Tetro
tetro []Block
// TODO: tetros_cache []Tetro
tetros_cache []Block
// Index of the current tetro. Refers to its color.
tetro_idx int
// Index of the next tetro. Refers to its color.
tetro_next int
// tetro stats : buckets of drawn tetros
tetro_stats []int
// total number of drawn tetros
tetro_total int
// Index of the rotation (0-3)
rotation_idx int
// SDL2 context for drawing
sdl SdlContext
// TTF context for font drawing
font voidptr
2019-12-05 09:58:48 +00:00
fn (sdlc mut SdlContext) set_sdl_context(w int, h int, title string) {
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
bpp := 32
2019-12-05 09:58:48 +00:00
sdl.create_window_and_renderer(w, h, 0, &sdlc.window, &sdlc.renderer)
// C.SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer(w, h, 0, voidptr(&sdlc.window), voidptr(&sdlc.renderer))
C.SDL_SetWindowTitle(sdlc.window, title.str)
sdlc.w = w
sdlc.h = h
sdlc.screen = sdl.create_rgb_surface(0, w, h, bpp, 0x00FF0000, 0x0000FF00, 0x000000FF, 0xFF000000)
sdlc.texture = C.SDL_CreateTexture(sdlc.renderer, C.SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, C.SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, w, h)
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
2019-12-08 20:30:38 +00:00
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
if C.Mix_OpenAudio(48000,C.MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT,2,AudioBufSize) < 0 {
println('couldn\'t open audio')
println('opening music $MusicName')
2019-12-05 09:58:48 +00:00
sdlc.actx.music = C.Mix_LoadMUS(MusicName.str)
sdlc.actx.waves[0] = C.Mix_LoadWAV(SndBlockName.str)
sdlc.actx.waves[1] = C.Mix_LoadWAV(SndLineName.str)
sdlc.actx.waves[2] = C.Mix_LoadWAV(SndDoubleName.str)
sdlc.actx.volume = C.SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME
if C.Mix_PlayMusic(sdlc.actx.music, 1) != -1 {
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
njoy := C.SDL_NumJoysticks()
2020-02-24 16:55:16 +00:00
for i in 0..njoy {
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
2019-12-05 09:58:48 +00:00
jn := tos_clone(sdl.joystick_name_for_index(i))
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
println('JOY NAME $jn')
2020-02-24 16:55:16 +00:00
for j in 0..NJOYMAX {
2019-12-05 09:58:48 +00:00
if sdlc.jnames[j] == jn {
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
println('FOUND JOYSTICK $j $jn ID=$i')
2019-12-05 09:58:48 +00:00
sdlc.jids[j] = i
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
flags := C.IMG_INIT_PNG
imgres := img.img_init(flags)
2020-03-29 08:08:42 +00:00
if (imgres & flags) != flags {
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
println('error initializing image library.')
println('opening logo $VLogo')
2019-12-05 09:58:48 +00:00
sdlc.v_logo = img.load(VLogo)
if !isnil(sdlc.v_logo) {
// println('got v_logo=$sdlc.v_logo')
sdlc.tv_logo = sdl.create_texture_from_surface(sdlc.renderer, sdlc.v_logo)
// println('got tv_logo=$sdlc.tv_logo')
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
fn main() {
println('tVintris -- tribute to venerable Twintris')
mut game := &Game{ font: 0 }
game.sdl.jnames[0] = JOYP1NAME
game.sdl.jnames[1] = JOYP2NAME
game.sdl.jids[0] = -1
game.sdl.jids[1] = -1
game.sdl.set_sdl_context(WinWidth, WinHeight, Title)
game.font = C.TTF_OpenFont(FontName.str, TextSize)
2019-12-31 16:11:47 +00:00
seed := time.now().unix
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
mut game2 := &Game{ font: 0 }
game2.sdl = game.sdl
game2.font = game.font
game.joy_id = game.sdl.jids[0]
// println('JOY1 id=${game.joy_id}')
game2.joy_id = game.sdl.jids[1]
// println('JOY2 id=${game2.joy_id}')
// delay uses milliseconds so 1000 ms / 30 frames (30fps) roughly = 33.3333 ms/frame
2019-12-08 11:34:51 +00:00
time_per_frame := 1000.0 / 30.0
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
game.k_fire = P1FIRE
game.k_up = P1UP
game.k_down = P1DOWN
game.k_left = P1LEFT
game.k_right = P1RIGHT
game.jb_fire = JBP1FIRE
game.jh_up = JHP1UP
game.jh_down = JHP1DOWN
game.jh_left = JHP1LEFT
game.jh_right = JHP1RIGHT
game.ofs_x = 0
game.seed_ini = seed
game.state = .running
go game.run() // Run the game loop in a new thread
game2.k_fire = P2FIRE
game2.k_up = P2UP
game2.k_down = P2DOWN
game2.k_left = P2LEFT
game2.k_right = P2RIGHT
game2.jb_fire = JBP2FIRE
game2.jh_up = JHP2UP
game2.jh_down = JHP2DOWN
game2.jh_left = JHP2LEFT
game2.jh_right = JHP2RIGHT
game2.ofs_x = WinWidth * 2 / 3
game2.seed_ini = seed
game2.state = .running
go game2.run() // Run the game loop in a new thread
mut g := Game{ font: 0 }
mut should_close := false
mut total_frame_ticks := u64(0)
mut total_frames := u32(0)
for {
2019-12-08 11:34:51 +00:00
2019-12-05 09:58:48 +00:00
start_ticks := sdl.get_perf_counter()
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
g1 := game
g2 := game2
// here we determine which game contains most recent state
if g1.tetro_total > g.tetro_total {
g = *g1
if g2.tetro_total > g.tetro_total {
g = *g2
// game.handle_events() // CRASHES if done in function ???
2019-12-14 00:31:07 +00:00
evt := SDL_Event{}
for 0 < sdl.poll_event(&evt) {
match int(evt.@type) {
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
C.SDL_QUIT { should_close = true }
2019-12-14 00:31:07 +00:00
key := evt.key.keysym.sym
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
if key == C.SDLK_ESCAPE {
should_close = true
2019-12-14 00:31:07 +00:00
jb := int(evt.jbutton.button)
joyid := evt.jbutton.which
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
// println('JOY BUTTON $jb $joyid')
game.handle_jbutton(jb, joyid)
game2.handle_jbutton(jb, joyid)
2019-12-14 00:31:07 +00:00
jh := int(evt.jhat.hat)
jv := int(evt.jhat.value)
joyid := evt.jhat.which
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
// println('JOY HAT $jh $jv $joyid')
game.handle_jhat(jh, jv, joyid)
game2.handle_jhat(jh, jv, joyid)
2019-12-08 10:45:29 +00:00
else {}
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
if should_close {
2019-12-05 09:58:48 +00:00
end_ticks := sdl.get_perf_counter()
2019-12-08 11:34:51 +00:00
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
total_frame_ticks += end_ticks-start_ticks
2019-12-05 09:58:48 +00:00
elapsed_time := f64(end_ticks - start_ticks) / f64(sdl.get_perf_frequency())
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
// current_fps := 1.0 / elapsed_time
2019-12-08 11:34:51 +00:00
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
// should limit system to (1 / time_per_frame) fps
2019-12-08 11:34:51 +00:00
sdl.delay(u32(math.floor(time_per_frame - elapsed_time)))
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
if game.font != voidptr(0) {
if game.sdl.actx.music != voidptr(0) {
if game.sdl.actx.waves[0] != voidptr(0) {
if game.sdl.actx.waves[1] != voidptr(0) {
if game.sdl.actx.waves[2] != voidptr(0) {
if !isnil(game.sdl.tv_logo) {
2019-12-05 09:58:48 +00:00
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
if !isnil(game.sdl.v_logo) {
2019-12-05 09:58:48 +00:00
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
enum Action {
idle space fire
fn (game mut Game) handle_key(key int) {
// global keys
2019-12-08 20:30:38 +00:00
mut action := Action.idle
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
match key {
C.SDLK_SPACE { action = .space }
game.k_fire { action = .fire }
2019-12-08 10:45:29 +00:00
else {}
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
if action == .space {
match game.state {
.running {
game.state = .paused
.paused {
game.state = .running
2019-12-08 10:45:29 +00:00
else {}
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
if action == .fire {
match game.state {
.gameover {
game.state = .running
2019-12-08 10:45:29 +00:00
else {}
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
if game.state != .running { return }
// keys while game is running
match key {
game.k_up { game.rotate_tetro() }
game.k_left { game.move_right(-1) }
game.k_right { game.move_right(1) }
game.k_down { game.move_tetro() } // drop faster when the player presses <down>
2019-12-08 10:45:29 +00:00
else {}
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
fn (game mut Game) handle_jbutton(jb int, joyid int) {
if joyid != game.joy_id {
// global buttons
2019-12-08 20:30:38 +00:00
mut action := Action.idle
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
match jb {
game.jb_fire { action = .fire }
2019-12-08 10:45:29 +00:00
else {}
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
if action == .fire {
match game.state {
.gameover {
game.state = .running
2019-12-08 10:45:29 +00:00
else {}
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
fn (game mut Game) handle_jhat(jh int, jv int, joyid int) {
if joyid != game.joy_id {
if game.state != .running { return }
// println('testing hat values.. joyid=$joyid jh=$jh jv=$jv')
// hat values while game is running
match jv {
game.jh_up { game.rotate_tetro() }
game.jh_left { game.move_right(-1) }
game.jh_right { game.move_right(1) }
game.jh_down { game.move_tetro() } // drop faster when the player presses <down>
2019-12-08 10:45:29 +00:00
else {}
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
fn (g mut Game) init_game() {
g.score = 0
g.tetro_total = 0
g.tetro_stats = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
g.seed = g.seed_ini
g.field = []
// Generate the field, fill it with 0's, add -1's on each edge
2020-02-24 16:55:16 +00:00
for i in 0..FieldHeight + 2 {
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
mut row := [0].repeat(FieldWidth + 2)
row[0] = - 1
row[FieldWidth + 1] = - 1
g.field << row
mut first_row := g.field[0]
mut last_row := g.field[FieldHeight + 1]
2020-02-24 16:55:16 +00:00
for j in 0..FieldWidth + 2 {
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
first_row[j] = - 1
last_row[j] = - 1
fn (g mut Game) parse_tetros() {
for b_tetros in BTetros {
for b_tetro in b_tetros {
for t in parse_binary_tetro(b_tetro) {
g.tetros_cache << t
fn (g mut Game) run() {
for {
if g.state == .running {
n := g.delete_completed_lines()
if n > 0 {
g.lines += n
} else {
if g.lines > 0 {
if g.lines > 1 {
C.Mix_PlayChannel(0, g.sdl.actx.waves[2], 0)
} else if g.lines == 1 {
C.Mix_PlayChannel(0, g.sdl.actx.waves[1], 0)
g.score += 10 * g.lines * g.lines
g.lines = 0
time.sleep_ms(TimerPeriod) // medium delay between game step
fn (game mut Game) rotate_tetro() {
// Rotate the tetro
old_rotation_idx := game.rotation_idx
if game.rotation_idx == TetroSize {
game.rotation_idx = 0
if !game.move_right(0) {
game.rotation_idx = old_rotation_idx
if game.pos_x < 0 {
game.pos_x = 1
fn (g mut Game) move_tetro() {
// Check each block in current tetro
for block in g.tetro {
y := block.y + g.pos_y + 1
x := block.x + g.pos_x
// Reached the bottom of the screen or another block?
// TODO: if g.field[y][x] != 0
//if g.field[y][x] != 0 {
row := g.field[y]
if row[x] != 0 {
// The new tetro has no space to drop => end of the game
if g.pos_y < 2 {
g.state = .gameover
g.tetro_total = 0
// Drop it and generate a new one
C.Mix_PlayChannel(0, g.sdl.actx.waves[0], 0)
fn (g mut Game) move_right(dx int) bool {
// Reached left/right edge or another tetro?
2020-02-24 16:55:16 +00:00
for i in 0..TetroSize {
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
tetro := g.tetro[i]
y := tetro.y + g.pos_y
x := tetro.x + g.pos_x + dx
row := g.field[y]
if row[x] != 0 {
// Do not move
return false
g.pos_x += dx
return true
fn (g &Game) delete_completed_lines() int {
mut n := 0
for y := FieldHeight; y >= 1; y-- {
n += g.delete_completed_line(y)
return n
fn (g &Game) delete_completed_line(y int) int {
for x := 1; x <= FieldWidth; x++ {
f := g.field[y]
if f[x] == 0 {
return 0
// Move everything down by 1 position
for yy := y - 1; yy >= 1; yy-- {
for x := 1; x <= FieldWidth; x++ {
mut a := g.field[yy + 1]
b := g.field[yy]
a[x] = b[x]
return 1
// Draw a rand tetro index
fn (g mut Game) rand_tetro() int {
cur := g.tetro_next
g.tetro_next = rand.rand_r(&g.seed)
g.tetro_next = g.tetro_next % BTetros.len
return cur
// Place a new tetro on top
fn (g mut Game) generate_tetro() {
g.pos_y = 0
g.pos_x = FieldWidth / 2 - TetroSize / 2
g.tetro_idx = g.rand_tetro()
// println('idx=${g.tetro_idx}')
2019-12-08 19:22:47 +00:00
g.tetro_stats[g.tetro_idx]+= 2 -1
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
g.rotation_idx = 0
// Get the right tetro from cache
fn (g mut Game) get_tetro() {
idx := g.tetro_idx * TetroSize * TetroSize + g.rotation_idx * TetroSize
g.tetro = g.tetros_cache[idx .. idx + TetroSize]
fn (g &Game) drop_tetro() {
2020-02-24 16:55:16 +00:00
for i in 0..TetroSize {
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
tetro := g.tetro[i]
x := tetro.x + g.pos_x
y := tetro.y + g.pos_y
// Remember the color of each block
// TODO: g.field[y][x] = g.tetro_idx + 1
mut row := g.field[y]
row[x] = g.tetro_idx + 1
fn (g &Game) draw_tetro() {
2020-02-24 16:55:16 +00:00
for i in 0..TetroSize {
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
tetro := g.tetro[i]
g.draw_block(g.pos_y + tetro.y, g.pos_x + tetro.x, g.tetro_idx + 1)
fn (g &Game) draw_block(i, j, color_idx int) {
2019-12-08 20:30:38 +00:00
rect := SDL_Rect {g.ofs_x + (j - 1) * BlockSize, (i - 1) * BlockSize,
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
BlockSize - 1, BlockSize - 1}
col := Colors[color_idx]
sdl_fill_rect(g.sdl.screen, &rect, &col)
fn (g &Game) draw_field() {
for i := 1; i < FieldHeight + 1; i++ {
for j := 1; j < FieldWidth + 1; j++ {
f := g.field[i]
if f[j] > 0 {
g.draw_block(i, j, f[j])
fn (g &Game) draw_v_logo() {
if isnil(g.sdl.tv_logo) {
texw := 0
texh := 0
C.SDL_QueryTexture(g.sdl.tv_logo, 0, 0, &texw, &texh)
2019-12-08 20:30:38 +00:00
dstrect := SDL_Rect { (WinWidth / 2) - (texw / 2), 20, texw, texh }
2019-12-05 09:58:48 +00:00
// Currently we can't seem to use sdl.render_copy when we need to pass a nil pointer (eg: srcrect to be NULL)
// sdl.render_copy(g.sdl.renderer, tv_logo, 0, &dstrect)
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
C.SDL_RenderCopy(g.sdl.renderer, g.sdl.tv_logo, voidptr(0), voidptr(&dstrect))
2019-12-08 20:30:38 +00:00
fn (g &Game) draw_text(x int, y int, text string, tcol SDL_Color) {
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
_tcol := C.SDL_Color{tcol.r, tcol.g, tcol.b, tcol.a}
tsurf := C.TTF_RenderText_Solid(g.font, text.str, _tcol)
ttext := C.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(g.sdl.renderer, tsurf)
texw := 0
texh := 0
C.SDL_QueryTexture(ttext, 0, 0, &texw, &texh)
2019-12-08 20:30:38 +00:00
dstrect := SDL_Rect { x, y, texw, texh }
2019-12-05 09:58:48 +00:00
// sdl.render_copy(g.sdl.renderer, ttext, 0, &dstrect)
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
C.SDL_RenderCopy(g.sdl.renderer, ttext, voidptr(0), voidptr(&dstrect))
2019-12-05 09:58:48 +00:00
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
2019-12-08 20:30:38 +00:00
[inline] fn (g &Game) draw_ptext(x int, y int, text string, tcol SDL_Color) {
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
g.draw_text(g.ofs_x + x, y, text, tcol)
fn (g &Game) draw_begin() {
// println('about to clear')
2019-12-08 20:30:38 +00:00
mut rect := SDL_Rect {0,0,g.sdl.w,g.sdl.h}
col := SDL_Color{byte(00), byte(00), byte(0), byte(0)}
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
// sdl_fill_rect(g.sdl.screen, &rect, BackgroundColor)
sdl_fill_rect(g.sdl.screen, &rect, col)
2019-12-08 20:30:38 +00:00
rect = SDL_Rect {BlockSize * FieldWidth + 2,0,2,g.sdl.h}
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
sdl_fill_rect(g.sdl.screen, &rect, ForegroundColor)
2019-12-08 20:30:38 +00:00
rect = SDL_Rect {WinWidth - BlockSize * FieldWidth - 4,0,2,g.sdl.h}
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
sdl_fill_rect(g.sdl.screen, &rect, ForegroundColor)
mut idx := 0
for st in g.tetro_stats {
mut s := 10
if g.tetro_total > 0 {
s += 90 * st / g.tetro_total
w := BlockSize
h := s * 4 * w / 100
2019-12-08 20:30:38 +00:00
rect = SDL_Rect {(WinWidth - 7 * (w + 1)) / 2 + idx * (w + 1), WinHeight * 3 / 4 - h, w, h}
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
sdl_fill_rect(g.sdl.screen, &rect, Colors[idx + 1])
fn (g &Game) draw_middle() {
C.SDL_UpdateTexture(g.sdl.texture, 0, g.sdl.screen.pixels, g.sdl.screen.pitch)
2019-12-05 09:58:48 +00:00
// sdl.render_copy(g.sdl.renderer, g.sdl.texture, voidptr(0), voidptr(0))
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
C.SDL_RenderCopy(g.sdl.renderer, g.sdl.texture, voidptr(0), voidptr(0))
fn (g &Game) draw_score() {
if g.font != voidptr(0) {
g.draw_ptext(1, 2, 'score: ' + g.score.str() + ' nxt=' + g.tetro_next.str(), TextColor)
if g.state == .gameover {
g.draw_ptext(1, WinHeight / 2 + 0 * TextSize, 'Game Over', TextColor)
g.draw_ptext(1, WinHeight / 2 + 2 * TextSize, 'FIRE to restart', TextColor)
} else if g.state == .paused {
g.draw_ptext(1, WinHeight / 2 + 0 * TextSize, 'Game Paused', TextColor)
g.draw_ptext(1, WinHeight / 2 + 2 * TextSize, 'SPACE to resume', TextColor)
fn (g &Game) draw_stats() {
if g.font != voidptr(0) {
g.draw_text(WinWidth / 3 + 10, WinHeight * 3 / 4 + 0 * TextSize, 'stats: ' + g.tetro_total.str() + ' tetros', TextColor)
mut stats := ''
for st in g.tetro_stats {
mut s := 0
if g.tetro_total > 0 {
s = 100 * st / g.tetro_total
stats += ' '
stats += s.str()
g.draw_text(WinWidth / 3 - 8, WinHeight * 3 / 4 + 2 * TextSize, stats, TextColor)
fn (g &Game) draw_end() {
fn parse_binary_tetro(t_ int) []Block {
mut t := t_
res := [Block{}].repeat(4)
mut cnt := 0
horizontal := t == 9// special case for the horizontal line
for i := 0; i <= 3; i++ {
// Get ith digit of t
p := int(math.pow(10, 3 - i))
2019-12-08 20:30:38 +00:00
mut digit := t / p
2019-12-05 08:25:55 +00:00
t %= p
// Convert the digit to binary
for j := 3; j >= 0; j-- {
bin := digit % 2
digit /= 2
if bin == 1 || (horizontal && i == TetroSize - 1) {
// TODO: res[cnt].x = j
// res[cnt].y = i
mut point := &res[cnt]
point.x = j
point.y = i
return res