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2022-01-04 09:21:08 +00:00
// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module gg
import os
import stbi
import sokol.gfx
import sokol.sgl
pub struct Image {
pub mut:
id int
width int
height int
nr_channels int
ok bool
data voidptr
ext string
simg_ok bool
simg gfx.Image
path string
// TODO return ?Image
pub fn (mut ctx Context) create_image(file string) Image {
// println('\ncreate_image("$file")')
if !os.exists(file) {
return Image{}
$if macos {
if ctx.native_rendering {
// return C.darwin_create_image(file)
mut img := C.darwin_create_image(file)
// println('created macos image: $img.path w=$img.width')
// C.printf('p = %p\n', img.data)
img.id = ctx.image_cache.len
ctx.image_cache << img
return img
if !gfx.is_valid() {
// Sokol is not initialized yet, add stbi object to a queue/cache
// ctx.image_queue << file
stb_img := stbi.load(file) or { return Image{} }
img := Image{
width: stb_img.width
height: stb_img.height
nr_channels: stb_img.nr_channels
ok: false
data: stb_img.data
ext: stb_img.ext
path: file
id: ctx.image_cache.len
ctx.image_cache << img
return img
mut img := create_image(file)
img.id = ctx.image_cache.len
ctx.image_cache << img
return img
pub fn (mut img Image) init_sokol_image() &Image {
// println('\n init sokol image $img.path ok=$img.simg_ok')
mut img_desc := gfx.ImageDesc{
width: img.width
height: img.height
num_mipmaps: 0
wrap_u: .clamp_to_edge
wrap_v: .clamp_to_edge
label: img.path.str
d3d11_texture: 0
img_desc.data.subimage[0][0] = gfx.Range{
ptr: img.data
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size: usize(img.nr_channels * img.width * img.height)
img.simg = gfx.make_image(&img_desc)
img.simg_ok = true
img.ok = true
return img
// draw_image draws the provided image onto the screen
pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_image(x f32, y f32, width f32, height f32, img_ &Image) {
$if macos {
if img_.id >= ctx.image_cache.len {
eprintln('gg: draw_image() bad img id $img_.id (img cache len = $ctx.image_cache.len)')
if ctx.native_rendering {
if img_.width == 0 {
if !os.exists(img_.path) {
C.darwin_draw_image(x, ctx.height - (y + height), width, height, img_)
img: img_
img_rect: Rect{x, y, width, height}
part_rect: Rect{0, 0, img_.width, img_.height}
// new_streaming_image returns a cached `image_idx` of a special image, that
// can be updated *each frame* by calling: gg.update_pixel_data(image_idx, buf)
// ... where buf is a pointer to the actual pixel data for the image.
// NB: you still need to call app.gg.draw_image after that, to actually draw it.
pub fn (mut ctx Context) new_streaming_image(w int, h int, channels int, sicfg StreamingImageConfig) int {
mut img := Image{}
img.width = w
img.height = h
img.nr_channels = channels // 4 bytes per pixel for .rgba8, see pixel_format
mut img_desc := gfx.ImageDesc{
width: img.width
height: img.height
pixel_format: sicfg.pixel_format
num_slices: 1
num_mipmaps: 1
usage: .stream
wrap_u: sicfg.wrap_u
wrap_v: sicfg.wrap_v
min_filter: sicfg.min_filter
mag_filter: sicfg.mag_filter
label: img.path.str
// Sokol requires that streamed images have NO .ptr/.size initially:
img_desc.data.subimage[0][0] = gfx.Range{
ptr: 0
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size: usize(0)
img.simg = gfx.make_image(&img_desc)
img.simg_ok = true
img.ok = true
img_idx := ctx.cache_image(img)
return img_idx
// update_pixel_data is a helper for working with image streams (i.e. images,
// that are updated dynamically by the CPU on each frame)
pub fn (mut ctx Context) update_pixel_data(cached_image_idx int, buf &byte) {
mut image := ctx.get_cached_image_by_idx(cached_image_idx)
pub fn (mut img Image) update_pixel_data(buf &byte) {
mut data := gfx.ImageData{}
data.subimage[0][0].ptr = buf
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data.subimage[0][0].size = usize(img.width * img.height * img.nr_channels)
gfx.update_image(img.simg, &data)
// TODO copypasta
pub fn (mut ctx Context) create_image_with_size(file string, width int, height int) Image {
if !gfx.is_valid() {
// Sokol is not initialized yet, add stbi object to a queue/cache
// ctx.image_queue << file
stb_img := stbi.load(file) or { return Image{} }
img := Image{
width: width
height: height
nr_channels: stb_img.nr_channels
ok: false
data: stb_img.data
ext: stb_img.ext
path: file
id: ctx.image_cache.len
ctx.image_cache << img
return img
mut img := create_image(file)
img.id = ctx.image_cache.len
ctx.image_cache << img
return img
// TODO remove this
fn create_image(file string) Image {
if !os.exists(file) {
println('gg.create_image(): file not found: $file')
return Image{} // none
stb_img := stbi.load(file) or { return Image{} }
mut img := Image{
width: stb_img.width
height: stb_img.height
nr_channels: stb_img.nr_channels
ok: stb_img.ok
data: stb_img.data
ext: stb_img.ext
path: file
return img
pub fn (mut ctx Context) create_image_from_memory(buf &byte, bufsize int) Image {
stb_img := stbi.load_from_memory(buf, bufsize) or { return Image{} }
mut img := Image{
width: stb_img.width
height: stb_img.height
nr_channels: stb_img.nr_channels
ok: stb_img.ok
data: stb_img.data
ext: stb_img.ext
id: ctx.image_cache.len
ctx.image_cache << img
return img
pub fn (mut ctx Context) create_image_from_byte_array(b []byte) Image {
return ctx.create_image_from_memory(b.data, b.len)
pub struct StreamingImageConfig {
pixel_format gfx.PixelFormat = .rgba8
wrap_u gfx.Wrap = .clamp_to_edge
wrap_v gfx.Wrap = .clamp_to_edge
min_filter gfx.Filter = .linear
mag_filter gfx.Filter = .linear
num_mipmaps int = 1
num_slices int = 1
// draw_image_with_config takes in a config that details how the
// provided image should be drawn onto the screen
pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_image_with_config(config DrawImageConfig) {
id := if !isnil(config.img) { config.img.id } else { config.img_id }
if id >= ctx.image_cache.len {
eprintln('gg: draw_image() bad img id $id (img cache len = $ctx.image_cache.len)')
img := &ctx.image_cache[id]
if !img.simg_ok {
mut img_rect := config.img_rect
if img_rect.width == 0 && img_rect.height == 0 {
img_rect = Rect{img_rect.x, img_rect.y, img.width, img.height}
mut part_rect := config.part_rect
if part_rect.width == 0 && part_rect.height == 0 {
part_rect = Rect{part_rect.x, part_rect.y, img.width, img.height}
u0 := part_rect.x / img.width
v0 := part_rect.y / img.height
u1 := (part_rect.x + part_rect.width) / img.width
v1 := (part_rect.y + part_rect.height) / img.height
x0 := img_rect.x * ctx.scale
y0 := img_rect.y * ctx.scale
x1 := (img_rect.x + img_rect.width) * ctx.scale
mut y1 := (img_rect.y + img_rect.height) * ctx.scale
if img_rect.height == 0 {
scale := f32(img.width) / f32(img_rect.width)
y1 = f32(img_rect.y + int(f32(img.height) / scale)) * ctx.scale
flip_x := config.flip_x
flip_y := config.flip_y
mut u0f := if !flip_x { u0 } else { u1 }
mut u1f := if !flip_x { u1 } else { u0 }
mut v0f := if !flip_y { v0 } else { v1 }
mut v1f := if !flip_y { v1 } else { v0 }
if config.rotate != 0 {
width := img_rect.width * ctx.scale
height := (if img_rect.height > 0 { img_rect.height } else { img.height }) * ctx.scale
sgl.translate(x0 + (width / 2), y0 + (height / 2), 0)
sgl.rotate(sgl.rad(-config.rotate), 0, 0, 1)
sgl.translate(-x0 - (width / 2), -y0 - (height / 2), 0)
sgl.c4b(config.color.r, config.color.g, config.color.b, config.color.a)
sgl.v3f_t2f(x0, y0, config.z, u0f, v0f)
sgl.v3f_t2f(x1, y0, config.z, u1f, v0f)
sgl.v3f_t2f(x1, y1, config.z, u1f, v1f)
sgl.v3f_t2f(x0, y1, config.z, u0f, v1f)
if config.rotate != 0 {