2021-01-18 12:20:06 +00:00
// Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
2020-08-05 01:15:37 +00:00
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module gg
2020-10-18 06:48:13 +00:00
// import gx
// import sokol.sapp
// import sokol.gfx
2020-08-05 01:15:37 +00:00
import os
import sokol
import sokol.sgl
import stbi
pub struct Image {
pub mut:
2020-10-18 06:48:13 +00:00
id int
2020-08-05 01:15:37 +00:00
width int
height int
nr_channels int
ok bool
data voidptr
ext string
2020-08-05 12:34:28 +00:00
simg_ok bool
simg C.sg_image
2020-10-18 06:48:13 +00:00
path string
2020-08-05 01:15:37 +00:00
2020-08-05 12:34:28 +00:00
2021-03-13 06:39:10 +00:00
pub struct Rect {
2021-03-30 07:39:07 +00:00
2021-03-13 06:39:10 +00:00
x f32
y f32
width f32
height f32
2020-08-05 14:00:24 +00:00
fn C.sg_isvalid() bool
2020-08-22 15:09:22 +00:00
// TODO return ?Image
2020-08-05 14:00:24 +00:00
pub fn (mut ctx Context) create_image(file string) Image {
2021-01-23 09:25:40 +00:00
// println('\ncreate_image("$file")')
if !os.exists(file) {
return Image{}
$if macos {
if ctx.native_rendering {
// return C.darwin_create_image(file)
mut img := C.darwin_create_image(file)
// println('created macos image: $img.path w=$img.width')
// C.printf('p = %p\n', img.data)
img.id = ctx.image_cache.len
ctx.image_cache << img
return img
2020-08-05 14:00:24 +00:00
if !C.sg_isvalid() {
2020-08-22 15:09:22 +00:00
// Sokol is not initialized yet, add stbi object to a queue/cache
2020-10-18 06:48:13 +00:00
// ctx.image_queue << file
2020-12-12 22:30:31 +00:00
stb_img := stbi.load(file) or { return Image{} }
2020-08-05 14:00:24 +00:00
img := Image{
width: stb_img.width
height: stb_img.height
nr_channels: stb_img.nr_channels
ok: false
data: stb_img.data
ext: stb_img.ext
path: file
id: ctx.image_cache.len
ctx.image_cache << img
return img
mut img := create_image(file)
img.id = ctx.image_cache.len
ctx.image_cache << img
return img
2020-08-05 05:09:25 +00:00
2020-08-05 12:34:28 +00:00
2020-12-27 11:02:01 +00:00
// TODO copypasta
pub fn (mut ctx Context) create_image_with_size(file string, width int, height int) Image {
if !C.sg_isvalid() {
// Sokol is not initialized yet, add stbi object to a queue/cache
// ctx.image_queue << file
stb_img := stbi.load(file) or { return Image{} }
img := Image{
width: width
height: height
nr_channels: stb_img.nr_channels
ok: false
data: stb_img.data
ext: stb_img.ext
path: file
id: ctx.image_cache.len
ctx.image_cache << img
return img
mut img := create_image(file)
img.id = ctx.image_cache.len
ctx.image_cache << img
return img
2020-08-05 14:00:24 +00:00
// TODO remove this
fn create_image(file string) Image {
2020-08-05 01:15:37 +00:00
if !os.exists(file) {
println('gg.create_image(): file not found: $file')
return Image{} // none
2020-12-12 22:30:31 +00:00
stb_img := stbi.load(file) or { return Image{} }
2020-08-05 01:15:37 +00:00
mut img := Image{
width: stb_img.width
height: stb_img.height
nr_channels: stb_img.nr_channels
ok: stb_img.ok
data: stb_img.data
ext: stb_img.ext
path: file
2020-08-05 12:34:28 +00:00
2020-08-05 01:15:37 +00:00
return img
2021-04-05 17:55:03 +00:00
pub fn (mut ctx Context) create_image_from_memory(buf &byte, bufsize int) Image {
2020-12-12 22:30:31 +00:00
stb_img := stbi.load_from_memory(buf, bufsize) or { return Image{} }
2020-08-05 01:15:37 +00:00
mut img := Image{
width: stb_img.width
height: stb_img.height
nr_channels: stb_img.nr_channels
ok: stb_img.ok
data: stb_img.data
ext: stb_img.ext
2020-12-12 22:30:31 +00:00
id: ctx.image_cache.len
2020-08-05 01:15:37 +00:00
2020-12-12 22:30:31 +00:00
ctx.image_cache << img
2020-08-05 01:15:37 +00:00
return img
2020-12-12 22:30:31 +00:00
pub fn (mut ctx Context) create_image_from_byte_array(b []byte) Image {
return ctx.create_image_from_memory(b.data, b.len)
2020-08-05 01:15:37 +00:00
2020-08-05 12:34:28 +00:00
pub fn (mut img Image) init_sokol_image() &Image {
2020-10-18 06:48:13 +00:00
// println('\n init sokol image $img.path ok=$img.simg_ok')
2020-08-05 01:15:37 +00:00
mut img_desc := C.sg_image_desc{
width: img.width
height: img.height
num_mipmaps: 0
wrap_u: .clamp_to_edge
wrap_v: .clamp_to_edge
2021-04-19 12:38:48 +00:00
label: &char(0)
2020-08-05 01:15:37 +00:00
d3d11_texture: 0
2021-04-07 18:39:23 +00:00
img_desc.data.subimage[0][0] = C.sg_range{
2020-08-05 01:15:37 +00:00
ptr: img.data
2021-04-07 18:39:23 +00:00
size: size_t(img.nr_channels * img.width * img.height)
2020-08-05 01:15:37 +00:00
2020-08-05 12:34:28 +00:00
img.simg = C.sg_make_image(&img_desc)
img.simg_ok = true
2020-08-05 14:00:24 +00:00
img.ok = true
2020-08-05 12:34:28 +00:00
return img
2020-08-05 01:15:37 +00:00
2021-03-13 06:39:10 +00:00
// Draw part of an image using uv coordinates
// img_rect is the size and position (in pixels on screen) of the displayed rectangle (ie the draw_image args)
// part_rect is the size and position (in absolute pixels in the image) of the wanted part
// eg. On a 600*600 context, to display only the first 400*400 pixels of a 2000*2000 image
// on the entire context surface, call :
// draw_image_part(Rect{0, 0, 600, 600}, Rect{0, 0, 400, 400}, img)
pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_image_part(img_rect Rect, part_rect Rect, img_ &Image) {
2020-08-17 23:08:58 +00:00
if img_.id >= ctx.image_cache.len {
eprintln('gg: draw_image() bad img id $img_.id (img cache len = $ctx.image_cache.len)')
2020-08-05 14:00:24 +00:00
img := ctx.image_cache[img_.id] // fetch the image from cache
2021-03-13 06:39:10 +00:00
2020-08-05 12:34:28 +00:00
if !img.simg_ok {
2021-03-13 06:39:10 +00:00
u0 := part_rect.x / img.width
v0 := part_rect.y / img.height
u1 := (part_rect.x + part_rect.width) / img.width
v1 := (part_rect.y + part_rect.height) / img.height
x0 := img_rect.x * ctx.scale
y0 := img_rect.y * ctx.scale
x1 := (img_rect.x + img_rect.width) * ctx.scale
mut y1 := (img_rect.y + img_rect.height) * ctx.scale
if img_rect.height == 0 {
scale := f32(img.width) / f32(img_rect.width)
y1 = f32(img_rect.y + int(f32(img.height) / scale)) * ctx.scale
2020-12-27 11:02:01 +00:00
2020-08-05 01:15:37 +00:00
2020-08-05 12:34:28 +00:00
2020-08-05 01:15:37 +00:00
sgl.c4b(255, 255, 255, 255)
2020-10-18 06:48:13 +00:00
sgl.v2f_t2f(x0, y0, u0, v0)
sgl.v2f_t2f(x1, y0, u1, v0)
sgl.v2f_t2f(x1, y1, u1, v1)
sgl.v2f_t2f(x0, y1, u0, v1)
2020-08-05 01:15:37 +00:00
2020-08-05 12:34:28 +00:00
2021-03-13 06:39:10 +00:00
pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_image(x f32, y f32, width f32, height f32, img_ &Image) {
$if macos {
if img_.id >= ctx.image_cache.len {
eprintln('gg: draw_image() bad img id $img_.id (img cache len = $ctx.image_cache.len)')
if ctx.native_rendering {
if img_.width == 0 {
if !os.exists(img_.path) {
C.darwin_draw_image(x, ctx.height - (y + height), width, height, img_)
ctx.draw_image_part(Rect{x, y, width, height}, Rect{0, 0, img_.width, img_.height},
2020-09-20 01:47:22 +00:00
// TODO remove copy pasta, merge the functions
2020-10-18 06:48:13 +00:00
pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_image_flipped(x f32, y f32, width f32, height f32, img_ &Image) {
2020-09-20 01:47:22 +00:00
if img_.id >= ctx.image_cache.len {
2021-01-04 10:19:05 +00:00
eprintln('gg: draw_image_flipped() bad img id $img_.id (img cache len = $ctx.image_cache.len)')
2020-09-20 01:47:22 +00:00
img := ctx.image_cache[img_.id] // fetch the image from cache
if !img.simg_ok {
u0 := f32(0.0)
v0 := f32(0.0)
u1 := f32(1.0)
v1 := f32(1.0)
x0 := f32(x) * ctx.scale
y0 := f32(y) * ctx.scale
x1 := f32(x + width) * ctx.scale
y1 := f32(y + height) * ctx.scale
sgl.c4b(255, 255, 255, 255)
2020-10-18 06:48:13 +00:00
sgl.v2f_t2f(x0, y0, u1, v0)
sgl.v2f_t2f(x1, y0, u0, v0)
sgl.v2f_t2f(x1, y1, u0, v1)
sgl.v2f_t2f(x0, y1, u1, v1)
2020-09-20 01:47:22 +00:00
2020-10-18 06:48:13 +00:00
pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_image_by_id(x f32, y f32, width f32, height f32, id int) {
2020-08-05 14:00:24 +00:00
img := ctx.image_cache[id]
2020-10-18 06:48:13 +00:00
ctx.draw_image(x, y, width, height, img)
2020-08-05 14:00:24 +00:00
2021-01-04 10:19:05 +00:00
pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_image_3d(x f32, y f32, z f32, width f32, height f32, img_ &Image) {
if img_.id >= ctx.image_cache.len {
eprintln('gg: draw_image_3d() bad img id $img_.id (img cache len = $ctx.image_cache.len)')
img := ctx.image_cache[img_.id] // fetch the image from cache
if !img.simg_ok {
u0 := f32(0.0)
v0 := f32(0.0)
u1 := f32(1.0)
v1 := f32(1.0)
x0 := f32(x) * ctx.scale
y0 := f32(y) * ctx.scale
x1 := f32(x + width) * ctx.scale
y1 := f32(y + height) * ctx.scale
sgl.c4b(255, 255, 255, 255)
sgl.v3f_t2f(x0, y0, z, u0, v0)
sgl.v3f_t2f(x1, y0, z, u1, v0)
sgl.v3f_t2f(x1, y1, z, u1, v1)
sgl.v3f_t2f(x0, y1, z, u0, v1)