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<h1>The V Programming Language</h1>
[vlang.io](https://vlang.io) |
[Docs](https://github.com/vlang/v/blob/master/doc/docs.md) |
[Changelog](https://github.com/vlang/v/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) |
[Speed](https://fast.vlang.io/) |
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[![Build Status][WorkflowBadge]][WorkflowUrl]
## Key Features of V
- Simplicity: the language can be learned in less than an hour
- Fast compilation: ≈100k — 1.2 million loc/s
- Easy to develop: V compiles itself in less than a second
- Performance: within 3% of C
- Safety: no null, no globals, no undefined behavior, immutability by default
- C to V translation
- Hot code reloading
- [Cross-platform UI library](https://github.com/vlang/ui)
- Built-in graphics library
- Easy cross compilation
- Built-in ORM
- C and JavaScript backends
A stable 0.2 release is planned for June 2020. Right now V is in an alpha stage.
## Installing V from source
### Linux, macOS, Windows, *BSD, Solaris, WSL, Android, Raspbian
git clone https://github.com/vlang/v
cd v
That's it! Now you have a V executable at `[path to V repo]/v`.
`[path to V repo]` can be anywhere.
(On Windows `make` means running `make.bat`, so make sure you use `cmd.exe`)
Now you can try `./v run examples/hello_world.v` (`v.exe` on Windows).
V is being constantly updated. To update V, simply run:
v up
### C compiler
You'll need Clang or GCC or Visual Studio. If you are doing development, you most likely already have one of those installed.
Otherwise, follow these instructions:
- [Installing a C compiler on Linux and macOS](https://github.com/vlang/v/wiki/Installing-a-C-compiler-on-Linux-and-macOS)
- [Installing a C compiler on Windows](https://github.com/vlang/v/wiki/Installing-a-C-compiler-on-Windows)
### Symlinking
NB: it is *highly recommended*, that you put V on your PATH. That saves
you the effort to type in the full path to your v executable everytime.
V provides a convenience `v symlink` command to do that more easily.
On Unix systems, it creates a `/usr/local/bin/v` symlink to your
executable. To do that, run:
sudo ./v symlink
On Windows, start a new shell with administrative privileges, for
example by <kbd>Windows Key</kbd>, then type `cmd.exe`, right click on its menu
entry, and choose `Run as administrator`. In the new administrative
shell, cd to the path, where you have compiled v.exe, then type:
.\v.exe symlink
That will make v available everywhere, by adding it to your PATH.
Please restart your shell/editor after that, so that it can pick
the new PATH variable.
NB: there is no need to run `v symlink` more than once - v will
continue to be available, even after `v up`, restarts and so on.
You only need to run it again, if you decide to move the V repo
folder somewhere else.
### Docker
<details><summary>Expand Docker instructions</summary>
git clone https://github.com/vlang/v
cd v
docker build -t vlang .
docker run --rm -it vlang:latest
### Docker with Alpine/musl:
git clone https://github.com/vlang/v
cd v
docker build -t vlang --file=Dockerfile.alpine .
docker run --rm -it vlang:latest
### Testing and running the examples
Make sure V can compile itself:
v -o v2 cmd/v
$ v
V 0.1.x
Use Ctrl-C or `exit` to exit
>>> println('hello world')
hello world
cd examples
v hello_world.v && ./hello_world # or simply
v run hello_world.v # this builds the program and runs it right away
v word_counter.v && ./word_counter cinderella.txt
v run news_fetcher.v
v run tetris/tetris.v
<img src='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vlang/v/master/examples/tetris/screenshot.png' width=300>
In order to build Tetris and anything else using the graphics module on non-Windows systems, you will need to install freetype libraries.
If you plan to use the http package, you also need to install OpenSSL on non-Windows systems.
brew install freetype openssl
sudo apt install libfreetype6-dev libssl-dev
sudo pacman -S freetype2
sudo dnf install freetype-devel
## V UI
<a href="https://github.com/vlang/ui">
<img src='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vlang/ui/master/examples/screenshot.png' width=712>
## JavaScript backend
fn main() {
for i in 0..3 {
println('Hello from V.js')
v -o hi.js examples/hello_v_js.v && node hi.js
Hello from V.js
Hello from V.js
Hello from V.js
## Troubleshooting
Please see the [Troubleshooting](https://github.com/vlang/v/wiki/Troubleshooting) section on our [wiki page](https://github.com/vlang/v/wiki)
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[WorkflowUrl]: https://github.com/vlang/v/commits/master
[DiscordUrl]: https://discord.gg/vlang
[PatreonUrl]: https://patreon.com/vlang
[SponsorUrl]: https://github.com/sponsors/medvednikov
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