cron expression parser #127

Jef Roosens merged 20 commits from cron into dev 2022-04-12 19:37:03 +00:00
12 changed files with 453 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
- linux/amd64
- linux/arm64
platform: ${PLATFORM}
image: 'chewingbever/vlang:latest'
pull: true
- make test
event: push

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@ -60,6 +60,10 @@ fmt:
$(V) vet -W $(SRC_DIR)
.PHONY: test
$(V) test $(SRC_DIR)
# Build & patch the V compiler
v: v/v

src/cron/cli.v 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
module cron
import cli
import env
struct Config {
log_level string = 'WARN'
log_file string = 'vieter.log'
api_key string
address string
base_image string = 'archlinux:base-devel'
// cmd returns the cli module that handles the cron daemon.
pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
return cli.Command{
name: 'cron'
description: 'Start the cron service that periodically runs builds.'
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file') ?
conf := env.load<Config>(config_file) ?
cron(conf) ?

src/cron/cron.v 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
module cron
import git
import time
struct ScheduledBuild {
repo git.GitRepo
timestamp time.Time
fn (r1 ScheduledBuild) < (r2 ScheduledBuild) bool {
return r1.timestamp < r2.timestamp
// cron starts a cron daemon & starts periodically scheduling builds.
pub fn cron(conf Config) ? {

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@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
module cron
import time
struct CronExpression {
minutes []int
hours []int
days []int
months []int
// next calculates the earliest time this cron expression is valid. It will
// always pick a moment in the future, even if ref matches completely up to the
// minute. This function conciously does not take gap years into account.
pub fn (ce &CronExpression) next(ref time.Time) ?time.Time {
// If the given ref matches the next cron occurence up to the minute, it
// will return that value. Because we always want to return a value in the
// future, we artifically shift the ref 60 seconds to make sure we always
// match in the future. A shift of 60 seconds is enough because the cron
// expression does not allow for accuracy smaller than one minute.
sref := ref
// For all of these values, the rule is the following: if their value is
// the length of their respective array in the CronExpression object, that
// means we've looped back around. This means that the "bigger" value has
// to be incremented by one. For example, if the minutes have looped
// around, that means that the hour has to be incremented as well.
mut minute_index := 0
mut hour_index := 0
mut day_index := 0
mut month_index := 0
// This chain is the same logic multiple times, namely that if a "bigger"
// value loops around, then the smaller value will always reset as well.
// For example, if we're going to a new day, the hour & minute will always
// be their smallest value again.
for month_index < ce.months.len && sref.month > ce.months[month_index] {
if month_index < ce.months.len && sref.month == ce.months[month_index] {
for day_index < ce.days.len && > ce.days[day_index] {
if day_index < ce.days.len && ce.days[day_index] == {
for hour_index < ce.hours.len && sref.hour > ce.hours[hour_index] {
if hour_index < ce.hours.len && ce.hours[hour_index] == sref.hour {
// Minute is the only value where we explicitely make sure we
// can't match sref's value exactly. This is to ensure we only
// return values in the future.
for minute_index < ce.minutes.len && sref.minute >= ce.minutes[minute_index] {
// Here, we increment the "bigger" values by one if the smaller ones loop
// around. The order is important, as it allows a sort-of waterfall effect
// to occur which updates all values if required.
if minute_index == ce.minutes.len && hour_index < ce.hours.len {
hour_index += 1
if hour_index == ce.hours.len && day_index < ce.days.len {
day_index += 1
if day_index == ce.days.len && month_index < ce.months.len {
month_index += 1
mut minute := ce.minutes[minute_index % ce.minutes.len]
mut hour := ce.hours[hour_index % ce.hours.len]
mut day := ce.days[day_index % ce.days.len]
// Sometimes, we end up with a day that does not exist within the selected
// month, e.g. day 30 in February. When this occurs, we reset day back to
// the smallest value & loop over to the next month that does have this
// day.
if day > time.month_days[ce.months[month_index % ce.months.len] - 1] {
day = ce.days[0]
month_index += 1
for day > time.month_days[ce.months[month_index & ce.months.len] - 1] {
month_index += 1
// If for whatever reason the day value ends up being something
// that can't be scheduled in any month, we have to make sure we
// don't create an infinite loop.
if month_index == 2 * ce.months.len {
return error('No schedulable moment.')
month := ce.months[month_index % ce.months.len]
mut year := sref.year
// If the month loops over, we need to increment the year.
if month_index >= ce.months.len {
return time.new_time(time.Time{
year: year
month: month
day: day
minute: minute
hour: hour
fn (ce &CronExpression) next_from_now() ?time.Time {
// parse_range parses a given string into a range of sorted integers, if
// possible.
fn parse_range(s string, min int, max int, mut bitv []bool) ? {
mut start := min
mut end := max
mut interval := 1
exps := s.split('/')
if exps.len > 2 {
return error('Invalid expression.')
if exps[0] != '*' {
dash_parts := exps[0].split('-')
if dash_parts.len > 2 {
return error('Invalid expression.')
start = dash_parts[0].int()
// The builtin parsing functions return zero if the string can't be
// parsed into a number, so we have to explicitely check whether they
// actually entered zero or if it's an invalid number.
if start == 0 && dash_parts[0] != '0' {
return error('Invalid number.')
// Check whether the start value is out of range
if start < min || start > max {
return error('Out of range.')
if dash_parts.len == 2 {
end = dash_parts[1].int()
if end == 0 && dash_parts[1] != '0' {
return error('Invalid number.')
if end < start || end > max {
return error('Out of range.')
if exps.len > 1 {
interval = exps[1].int()
// interval being zero is always invalid, but we want to check why
// it's invalid for better error messages.
if interval == 0 {
if exps[1] != '0' {
return error('Invalid number.')
} else {
return error('Step size zero not allowed.')
if interval > max - min {
return error('Step size too large.')
// Here, s solely consists of a number, so that's the only value we
// should return.
else if exps[0] != '*' && !exps[0].contains('-') {
bitv[start - min] = true
for start <= end {
bitv[start - min] = true
start += interval
fn bitv_to_ints(bitv []bool, min int) []int {
mut out := []int{}
for i in 0 .. bitv.len {
if bitv[i] {
out << min + i
return out
fn parse_part(s string, min int, max int) ?[]int {
mut bitv := []bool{len: max - min + 1, init: false}
for range in s.split(',') {
parse_range(range, min, max, mut bitv) ?
return bitv_to_ints(bitv, min)
// parse_expression parses an entire cron expression string into a
// CronExpression object, if possible.
fn parse_expression(exp string) ?CronExpression {
// The filter allows for multiple spaces between parts
mut parts := exp.split(' ').filter(it != '')
if parts.len < 2 || parts.len > 4 {
return error('Expression must contain between 2 and 4 space-separated parts.')
// For ease of use, we allow the user to only specify as many parts as they
// need.
for parts.len < 4 {
parts << '*'
mut part_results := [][]int{}
mins := [0, 0, 1, 1]
maxs := [59, 23, 31, 12]
// This for loop allows us to more clearly propagate the error to the user.
for i, min in mins {
part_results << parse_part(parts[i], min, maxs[i]) or {
return error('An error occurred with part $i: $err.msg')
return CronExpression{
minutes: part_results[0]
hours: part_results[1]
days: part_results[2]
months: part_results[3]

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@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
module cron
// parse_range_error returns the returned error message. If the result is '',
// that means the function didn't error.
fn parse_range_error(s string, min int, max int) string {
mut bitv := []bool{len: max - min + 1, init: false}
parse_range(s, min, max, mut bitv) or { return err.msg }
return ''
// =====parse_range=====
fn test_range_star_range() ? {
mut bitv := []bool{len: 6, init: false}
parse_range('*', 0, 5, mut bitv) ?
assert bitv == [true, true, true, true, true, true]
fn test_range_number() ? {
mut bitv := []bool{len: 6, init: false}
parse_range('4', 0, 5, mut bitv) ?
assert bitv_to_ints(bitv, 0) == [4]
fn test_range_number_too_large() ? {
assert parse_range_error('10', 0, 6) == 'Out of range.'
fn test_range_number_too_small() ? {
assert parse_range_error('0', 2, 6) == 'Out of range.'
fn test_range_number_invalid() ? {
assert parse_range_error('x', 0, 6) == 'Invalid number.'
fn test_range_step_star_1() ? {
mut bitv := []bool{len: 21, init: false}
parse_range('*/4', 0, 20, mut bitv) ?
assert bitv_to_ints(bitv, 0) == [0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20]
fn test_range_step_star_2() ? {
mut bitv := []bool{len: 8, init: false}
parse_range('*/3', 1, 8, mut bitv) ?
assert bitv_to_ints(bitv, 1) == [1, 4, 7]
fn test_range_step_star_too_large() ? {
assert parse_range_error('*/21', 0, 20) == 'Step size too large.'
fn test_range_step_zero() ? {
assert parse_range_error('*/0', 0, 20) == 'Step size zero not allowed.'
fn test_range_step_number() ? {
mut bitv := []bool{len: 21, init: false}
parse_range('5/4', 2, 22, mut bitv) ?
assert bitv_to_ints(bitv, 2) == [5, 9, 13, 17, 21]
fn test_range_step_number_too_large() ? {
assert parse_range_error('10/4', 0, 5) == 'Out of range.'
fn test_range_step_number_too_small() ? {
assert parse_range_error('2/4', 5, 10) == 'Out of range.'
fn test_range_dash() ? {
mut bitv := []bool{len: 10, init: false}
parse_range('4-8', 0, 9, mut bitv) ?
assert bitv_to_ints(bitv, 0) == [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
fn test_range_dash_step() ? {
mut bitv := []bool{len: 10, init: false}
parse_range('4-8/2', 0, 9, mut bitv) ?
assert bitv_to_ints(bitv, 0) == [4, 6, 8]
// =====parse_part=====
fn test_part_single() ? {
assert parse_part('*', 0, 5) ? == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
fn test_part_multiple() ? {
assert parse_part('*/2,2/3', 1, 8) ? == [1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8]

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
module cron
import time { parse }
fn util_test_time(exp string, t1_str string, t2_str string) ? {
ce := parse_expression(exp) ?
t1 := parse(t1_str) ?
t2 := parse(t2_str) ?
t3 := ?
assert t2.year == t3.year
assert t2.month == t3.month
assert ==
assert t2.hour == t3.hour
assert t2.minute == t3.minute
fn test_next_simple() ? {
// Very simple
util_test_time('0 3', '2002-01-01 00:00:00', '2002-01-01 03:00:00') ?
// Overlap to next day
util_test_time('0 3', '2002-01-01 03:00:00', '2002-01-02 03:00:00') ?
util_test_time('0 3', '2002-01-01 04:00:00', '2002-01-02 03:00:00') ?
util_test_time('0 3/4', '2002-01-01 04:00:00', '2002-01-01 07:00:00') ?
// Overlap to next month
util_test_time('0 3', '2002-11-31 04:00:00', '2002-12-01 03:00:00') ?
// Overlap to next year
util_test_time('0 3', '2002-12-31 04:00:00', '2003-01-01 03:00:00') ?

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import server
import cli
import build
import git
import cron
fn main() {
mut app := cli.Command{
@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ fn main() {

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@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ pub fn reader_to_file(mut reader io.BufferedReader, length int, path string) ? {
for to_write > 0 {
// TODO don't just loop infinitely here
bytes_written := file.write(buf[bytes_read - to_write..bytes_read]) or { continue }
// file.flush()
to_write = to_write - bytes_written