refactoring for fun #275

Jef Roosens merged 3 commits from Chewing_Bever/vieter:refactor-zen into dev 2022-11-19 16:12:35 +00:00
8 changed files with 313 additions and 264 deletions

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
### Changed
* Migrated codebase to V 0.3.2
* Cron expression parser now uses bitfields instead of bool arrays
### Fixed

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@ -134,142 +134,3 @@ pub fn (ce &CronExpression) next_n(ref time.Time, n int) ![]time.Time {
return times
// parse_range parses a given string into a range of sorted integers, if
// possible.
fn parse_range(s string, min int, max int, mut bitv []bool) ! {
mut start := min
mut end := max
mut interval := 1
exps := s.split('/')
if exps.len > 2 {
return error('Invalid expression.')
if exps[0] != '*' {
dash_parts := exps[0].split('-')
if dash_parts.len > 2 {
return error('Invalid expression.')
start = dash_parts[0].int()
// The builtin parsing functions return zero if the string can't be
// parsed into a number, so we have to explicitely check whether they
// actually entered zero or if it's an invalid number.
if start == 0 && dash_parts[0] != '0' {
return error('Invalid number.')
// Check whether the start value is out of range
if start < min || start > max {
return error('Out of range.')
if dash_parts.len == 2 {
end = dash_parts[1].int()
if end == 0 && dash_parts[1] != '0' {
return error('Invalid number.')
if end < start || end > max {
return error('Out of range.')
if exps.len > 1 {
interval = exps[1].int()
// interval being zero is always invalid, but we want to check why
// it's invalid for better error messages.
if interval == 0 {
if exps[1] != '0' {
return error('Invalid number.')
} else {
return error('Step size zero not allowed.')
if interval > max - min {
return error('Step size too large.')
// Here, s solely consists of a number, so that's the only value we
// should return.
else if exps[0] != '*' && !exps[0].contains('-') {
bitv[start - min] = true
for start <= end {
bitv[start - min] = true
start += interval
// bitv_to_ints converts a bit vector into an array containing the
// corresponding values.
fn bitv_to_ints(bitv []bool, min int) []int {
mut out := []int{}
for i in 0 .. bitv.len {
if bitv[i] {
out << min + i
return out
// parse_part parses a given part of a cron expression & returns the
// corresponding array of ints.
fn parse_part(s string, min int, max int) ![]int {
mut bitv := []bool{len: max - min + 1, init: false}
for range in s.split(',') {
parse_range(range, min, max, mut bitv)!
return bitv_to_ints(bitv, min)
// parse_expression parses an entire cron expression string into a
// CronExpression object, if possible.
pub fn parse_expression(exp string) !CronExpression {
// The filter allows for multiple spaces between parts
mut parts := exp.split(' ').filter(it != '')
if parts.len < 2 || parts.len > 4 {
return error('Expression must contain between 2 and 4 space-separated parts.')
// For ease of use, we allow the user to only specify as many parts as they
// need.
for parts.len < 4 {
parts << '*'
mut part_results := [][]int{}
mins := [0, 0, 1, 1]
maxs := [59, 23, 31, 12]
// This for loop allows us to more clearly propagate the error to the user.
for i, min in mins {
part_results << parse_part(parts[i], min, maxs[i]) or {
return error('An error occurred with part $i: $err.msg()')
return CronExpression{
minutes: part_results[0]
hours: part_results[1]
days: part_results[2]
months: part_results[3]

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@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
module expression
import bitfield
// parse_range parses a given string into a range of sorted integers. Its
// result is a BitField with set bits for all numbers in the result.
fn parse_range(s string, min int, max int) !bitfield.BitField {
mut start := min
mut end := max
mut interval := 1
mut bf := - min + 1)
exps := s.split('/')
if exps.len > 2 {
return error('Invalid expression.')
if exps[0] != '*' {
dash_parts := exps[0].split('-')
if dash_parts.len > 2 {
return error('Invalid expression.')
start = dash_parts[0].int()
// The builtin parsing functions return zero if the string can't be
// parsed into a number, so we have to explicitely check whether they
// actually entered zero or if it's an invalid number.
if start == 0 && dash_parts[0] != '0' {
return error('Invalid number.')
// Check whether the start value is out of range
if start < min || start > max {
return error('Out of range.')
if dash_parts.len == 2 {
end = dash_parts[1].int()
if end == 0 && dash_parts[1] != '0' {
return error('Invalid number.')
if end < start || end > max {
return error('Out of range.')
if exps.len > 1 {
interval = exps[1].int()
// interval being zero is always invalid, but we want to check why
// it's invalid for better error messages.
if interval == 0 {
if exps[1] != '0' {
return error('Invalid number.')
} else {
return error('Step size zero not allowed.')
if interval > max - min {
return error('Step size too large.')
// Here, s solely consists of a number, so that's the only value we
// should return.
else if exps[0] != '*' && !exps[0].contains('-') {
bf.set_bit(start - min)
return bf
for start <= end {
bf.set_bit(start - min)
start += interval
return bf
// bf_to_ints takes a BitField and converts it into the expected list of actual
// integers.
fn bf_to_ints(bf bitfield.BitField, min int) []int {
mut out := []int{}
for i in 0 .. bf.get_size() {
if bf.get_bit(i) == 1 {
out << min + i
return out
// parse_part parses a given part of a cron expression & returns the
// corresponding array of ints.
fn parse_part(s string, min int, max int) ![]int {
mut bf := - min + 1)
for range in s.split(',') {
bf2 := parse_range(range, min, max)!
bf = bitfield.bf_or(bf, bf2)
return bf_to_ints(bf, min)
// parse_expression parses an entire cron expression string into a
// CronExpression object, if possible.
pub fn parse_expression(exp string) !CronExpression {
// The filter allows for multiple spaces between parts
mut parts := exp.split(' ').filter(it != '')
if parts.len < 2 || parts.len > 4 {
return error('Expression must contain between 2 and 4 space-separated parts.')
// For ease of use, we allow the user to only specify as many parts as they
// need.
for parts.len < 4 {
parts << '*'
mut part_results := [][]int{}
mins := [0, 0, 1, 1]
maxs := [59, 23, 31, 12]
// This for loop allows us to more clearly propagate the error to the user.
for i, min in mins {
part_results << parse_part(parts[i], min, maxs[i]) or {
return error('An error occurred with part $i: $err.msg()')
return CronExpression{
minutes: part_results[0]
hours: part_results[1]
days: part_results[2]
months: part_results[3]

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@ -3,26 +3,22 @@ module expression
// parse_range_error returns the returned error message. If the result is '',
// that means the function didn't error.
fn parse_range_error(s string, min int, max int) string {
mut bitv := []bool{len: max - min + 1, init: false}
parse_range(s, min, max, mut bitv) or { return err.msg }
parse_range(s, min, max) or { return err.msg }
return ''
// =====parse_range=====
fn test_range_star_range() ! {
mut bitv := []bool{len: 6, init: false}
parse_range('*', 0, 5, mut bitv)!
bf := parse_range('*', 0, 5)!
assert bitv == [true, true, true, true, true, true]
assert bf_to_ints(bf, 0) == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
fn test_range_number() ! {
mut bitv := []bool{len: 6, init: false}
parse_range('4', 0, 5, mut bitv)!
bf := parse_range('4', 0, 5)!
assert bitv_to_ints(bitv, 0) == [4]
assert bf_to_ints(bf, 0) == [4]
fn test_range_number_too_large() ! {
@ -38,17 +34,15 @@ fn test_range_number_invalid() ! {
fn test_range_step_star_1() ! {
mut bitv := []bool{len: 21, init: false}
parse_range('*/4', 0, 20, mut bitv)!
bf := parse_range('*/4', 0, 20)!
assert bitv_to_ints(bitv, 0) == [0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20]
assert bf_to_ints(bf, 0) == [0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20]
fn test_range_step_star_2() ! {
mut bitv := []bool{len: 8, init: false}
parse_range('*/3', 1, 8, mut bitv)!
bf := parse_range('*/3', 1, 8)!
assert bitv_to_ints(bitv, 1) == [1, 4, 7]
assert bf_to_ints(bf, 1) == [1, 4, 7]
fn test_range_step_star_too_large() ! {
@ -60,10 +54,9 @@ fn test_range_step_zero() ! {
fn test_range_step_number() ! {
mut bitv := []bool{len: 21, init: false}
parse_range('5/4', 2, 22, mut bitv)!
bf := parse_range('5/4', 2, 22)!
assert bitv_to_ints(bitv, 2) == [5, 9, 13, 17, 21]
assert bf_to_ints(bf, 2) == [5, 9, 13, 17, 21]
fn test_range_step_number_too_large() ! {
@ -75,17 +68,15 @@ fn test_range_step_number_too_small() ! {
fn test_range_dash() ! {
mut bitv := []bool{len: 10, init: false}
parse_range('4-8', 0, 9, mut bitv)!
bf := parse_range('4-8', 0, 9)!
assert bitv_to_ints(bitv, 0) == [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
assert bf_to_ints(bf, 0) == [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
fn test_range_dash_step() ! {
mut bitv := []bool{len: 10, init: false}
parse_range('4-8/2', 0, 9, mut bitv)!
bf := parse_range('4-8/2', 0, 9)!
assert bitv_to_ints(bitv, 0) == [4, 6, 8]
assert bf_to_ints(bf, 0) == [4, 6, 8]
// =====parse_part=====

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# package
This module handles both parsing the published Arch tarballs & the contents of
their `.PKGINFO` files, as well as generating the contents of the database
archives' `desc` & `files` files.

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@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
module package
// format_entry returns a string properly formatted to be added to a desc file.
fn format_entry(key string, value string) string {
return '\n%$key%\n$value\n'
// full_name returns the properly formatted name for the package, including
// version & architecture
pub fn (pkg &Pkg) full_name() string {
p :=
return '$$p.version-$p.arch'
// filename returns the correct filename of the package file
pub fn (pkg &Pkg) filename() string {
ext := match pkg.compression {
0 { '.tar' }
1 { '.tar.gz' }
6 { '.tar.xz' }
14 { '.tar.zst' }
else { panic("Another compression code shouldn't be possible. Faulty code: $pkg.compression") }
return '${pkg.full_name()}.pkg$ext'
// to_desc returns a desc file valid string representation
pub fn (pkg &Pkg) to_desc() !string {
p :=
// filename
mut desc := '%FILENAME%\n$pkg.filename()\n'
desc += format_entry('NAME',
desc += format_entry('BASE', p.base)
desc += format_entry('VERSION', p.version)
if p.description.len > 0 {
desc += format_entry('DESC', p.description)
if p.groups.len > 0 {
desc += format_entry('GROUPS', p.groups.join_lines())
desc += format_entry('CSIZE', p.csize.str())
desc += format_entry('ISIZE', p.size.str())
sha256sum := pkg.checksum()!
desc += format_entry('SHA256SUM', sha256sum)
// TODO add pgpsig stuff
if p.url.len > 0 {
desc += format_entry('URL', p.url)
if p.licenses.len > 0 {
desc += format_entry('LICENSE', p.licenses.join_lines())
desc += format_entry('ARCH', p.arch)
desc += format_entry('BUILDDATE', p.build_date.str())
desc += format_entry('PACKAGER', p.packager)
if p.replaces.len > 0 {
desc += format_entry('REPLACES', p.replaces.join_lines())
if p.conflicts.len > 0 {
desc += format_entry('CONFLICTS', p.conflicts.join_lines())
if p.provides.len > 0 {
desc += format_entry('PROVIDES', p.provides.join_lines())
if p.depends.len > 0 {
desc += format_entry('DEPENDS', p.depends.join_lines())
if p.optdepends.len > 0 {
desc += format_entry('OPTDEPENDS', p.optdepends.join_lines())
if p.makedepends.len > 0 {
desc += format_entry('MAKEDEPENDS', p.makedepends.join_lines())
if p.checkdepends.len > 0 {
desc += format_entry('CHECKDEPENDS', p.checkdepends.join_lines())
return '$desc\n'
// to_files returns a files file valid string representation
pub fn (pkg &Pkg) to_files() string {
return '%FILES%\n$pkg.files.join_lines()\n'

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@ -174,104 +174,3 @@ pub fn read_pkg_archive(pkg_path string) !Pkg {
compression: compression_code
// format_entry returns a string properly formatted to be added to a desc file.
fn format_entry(key string, value string) string {
return '\n%$key%\n$value\n'
// full_name returns the properly formatted name for the package, including
// version & architecture
pub fn (pkg &Pkg) full_name() string {
p :=
return '$$p.version-$p.arch'
// filename returns the correct filename of the package file
pub fn (pkg &Pkg) filename() string {
ext := match pkg.compression {
0 { '.tar' }
1 { '.tar.gz' }
6 { '.tar.xz' }
14 { '.tar.zst' }
else { panic("Another compression code shouldn't be possible. Faulty code: $pkg.compression") }
return '${pkg.full_name()}.pkg$ext'
// to_desc returns a desc file valid string representation
pub fn (pkg &Pkg) to_desc() !string {
p :=
// filename
mut desc := '%FILENAME%\n$pkg.filename()\n'
desc += format_entry('NAME',
desc += format_entry('BASE', p.base)
desc += format_entry('VERSION', p.version)
if p.description.len > 0 {
desc += format_entry('DESC', p.description)
if p.groups.len > 0 {
desc += format_entry('GROUPS', p.groups.join_lines())
desc += format_entry('CSIZE', p.csize.str())
desc += format_entry('ISIZE', p.size.str())
sha256sum := pkg.checksum()!
desc += format_entry('SHA256SUM', sha256sum)
// TODO add pgpsig stuff
if p.url.len > 0 {
desc += format_entry('URL', p.url)
if p.licenses.len > 0 {
desc += format_entry('LICENSE', p.licenses.join_lines())
desc += format_entry('ARCH', p.arch)
desc += format_entry('BUILDDATE', p.build_date.str())
desc += format_entry('PACKAGER', p.packager)
if p.replaces.len > 0 {
desc += format_entry('REPLACES', p.replaces.join_lines())
if p.conflicts.len > 0 {
desc += format_entry('CONFLICTS', p.conflicts.join_lines())
if p.provides.len > 0 {
desc += format_entry('PROVIDES', p.provides.join_lines())
if p.depends.len > 0 {
desc += format_entry('DEPENDS', p.depends.join_lines())
if p.optdepends.len > 0 {
desc += format_entry('OPTDEPENDS', p.optdepends.join_lines())
if p.makedepends.len > 0 {
desc += format_entry('MAKEDEPENDS', p.makedepends.join_lines())
if p.checkdepends.len > 0 {
desc += format_entry('CHECKDEPENDS', p.checkdepends.join_lines())
return '$desc\n'
// to_files returns a files file valid string representation
pub fn (pkg &Pkg) to_files() string {
return '%FILES%\n$pkg.files.join_lines()\n'

src/repo/ 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
# repo
This module manages the contents of the various repositories stored within a
Vieter instance.
## Terminology
* Arch-repository (arch-repo): specific architecture of a given repository. This is what
Pacman actually uses as a repository, and contains its own `.db` & `.files`
* Repository (repo): a collection of arch-repositories. A single repository can
contain packages of different architectures, with each package being stored
in that specific architecture' arch-repository.
* Repository group (repo-group): a collection of repositories. Each Vieter
instance consists of a single repository group, which manages all underlying
repositories & arch-repositories.
## Arch-repository layout
An arch-repository (aka a regular Pacman repository) consists of a directory
with the following files (`{repo}` should be replaced with the name of the
* One or more package directories. These directories follow the naming scheme
`${pkgname}-${pkgver}-${pkgrel}`. Each of these directories contains two
files, `desc` & `files`. The `desc` file is a list of the package's metadata,
while `files` contains a list of all files that the package contains. The
latter is used when using `pacman -F`.
* `{repo}.db` & `{repo}.db.tar.gz`: the database file of the repository. This
is just a compressed tarball of all package directories, but only their
`desc` files. Both these files should have the same content (`repo-add`
creates a symlink, but Vieter just serves the same file for both routes)
* `{repo}.files` & `{repo}.files.tar.gz`: the same as the `.db` file, but this
also contains the `files` files, instead of just the `desc` files.
## Filesystem layout
The repository part of Vieter consists of two directories. One is the `repos`
directory inside the configured `data_dir`, while the other is the configured
`pkg_dir`. `repos` contains only the repository group, while `pkg_dir` contains
the actual package archives. `pkg_dir` is the directory that can take up a
significant amount of memory, while `repos` solely consists of small text