Polling-based agent-server architecture #301
@ -11,6 +11,11 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0
* Migrated codebase to V 0.3.2
* Cron expression parser now uses bitfields instead of bool arrays
* Added option to deploy using agent-server architecture instead of cron daemon
* Allow force-building packages, meaning the build won't check if the
repository is already up to date
* Allow scheduling builds on the server from the CLI tool instead of building
them locally
### Fixed
@ -19,6 +24,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0
* CLI no longer exits with non-zero status code when removing/patching
* Allow NULL values for branch in database
* Endpoint for adding targets now returns the correct id
## [0.4.0](https://git.rustybever.be/vieter-v/vieter/src/tag/0.4.0)
@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ quicker.
I chose [V](https://vlang.io/) as I've been very intrigued by this language for
a while now. I wanted a fast language that I could code while relaxing, without
having to exert too much mental effort & V seemed like the right choice for
that. Sadly, this didn't quite turn out the way I expected, but I'm sticking
with it anyways ;p
## Features
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ update`.
I used to maintain a mirror that tracked the latest master, but nowadays, I
maintain a Docker image containing the specific compiler version that Vieter
builds with. Currently, this is V 0.3.
builds with. Currently, this is V 0.3.2.
## Contributing
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ If a variable is both present in the config file & as an environment variable,
the value in the environment variable is used.
{{< hint info >}}
All environment variables can also be provided from a file by appending them
with `_FILE`. This for example allows you to provide the API key from a Docker
secrets file.
@ -97,3 +97,25 @@ configuration variable required for each command.
* Default: `archlinux:base-devel`
### `vieter agent`
* `log_level`: log verbosity level. Value should be one of `FATAL`, `ERROR`,
`WARN`, `INFO` or `DEBUG`.
* Default: `WARN`
* `address`: *public* URL of the Vieter repository server to build for. From
this server jobs are retrieved. All built packages are published to this
* `api_key`: API key of the above server.
* `data_dir`: directory to store log file in.
* `max_concurrent_builds`: how many builds to run at the same time.
* Default: `1`
* `polling_frequency`: how often (in seconds) to poll the server for new
builds. Note that the agent might poll more frequently when it's actively
processing builds.
* `image_rebuild_frequency`: Vieter periodically builds images that are then
used as a basis for running build containers. This is to prevent each build
from downloading an entire repository worth of dependencies. This setting
defines how frequently (in minutes) to rebuild these images.
* Default: `1440` (every 24 hours)
* `arch`: architecture for which this agent should pull down builds (e.g.
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ branch. This branch will be the most up to date, but does not give any
guarantees about stability, so beware!
Thanks to the single-binary design of Vieter, this image can be used both for
the repository server & the cron daemon.
the repository server, the cron daemon and the agent.
Below is an example compose file to set up both the repository server & the
cron daemon:
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ architectures will build on both.
## Binary
On the
page, you can find statically compiled binaries for all
released versions. This is the same binary as used inside
the Docker images.
@ -106,5 +106,5 @@ guarantee that a compiler update won't temporarily break them.
## Building from source
The project [README](https://git.rustybever.be/vieter/vieter#building) contains
instructions for building Vieter from source.
The project [README](https://git.rustybever.be/vieter-v/vieter#building)
contains instructions for building Vieter from source.
@ -37,6 +37,6 @@ Each section can consist of as many of these parts as necessary.
## CLI tool
The Vieter binary contains a command that shows you the next matching times for
a given expression. This can be useful to understand the syntax. For more
a given expression. This can be useful for understanding the syntax. For more
information, see
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
module agent
import log
import os
import util
const log_file_name = 'vieter.agent.log'
// agent starts an agent service
pub fn agent(conf Config) ! {
log_level := log.level_from_tag(conf.log_level) or {
return error('Invalid log level. The allowed values are FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO & DEBUG.')
mut logger := log.Log{
level: log_level
os.mkdir_all(conf.data_dir) or { util.exit_with_message(1, 'Failed to create data directory.') }
log_file := os.join_path_single(conf.data_dir, agent.log_file_name)
mut d := agent_init(logger, conf)
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
module agent
import cli
import conf as vconf
struct Config {
log_level string = 'WARN'
// Architecture that the agent represents
arch string
api_key string
address string
data_dir string
max_concurrent_builds int = 1
polling_frequency int = 30
image_rebuild_frequency int = 1440
// cmd returns the cli module that handles the cron daemon.
pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
return cli.Command{
name: 'agent'
description: 'Start an agent daemon.'
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ! {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')!
conf := vconf.load<Config>(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)!
@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
module agent
import log
import sync.stdatomic
import build { BuildConfig }
import client
import time
import os
const (
build_empty = 0
build_running = 1
build_done = 2
struct AgentDaemon {
logger shared log.Log
conf Config
client client.Client
images ImageManager
// Which builds are currently running; length is conf.max_concurrent_builds
builds []BuildConfig
// Atomic variables used to detect when a build has finished; length is
// conf.max_concurrent_builds
atomics []u64
// agent_init initializes a new agent
fn agent_init(logger log.Log, conf Config) AgentDaemon {
mut d := AgentDaemon{
logger: logger
client: client.new(conf.address, conf.api_key)
conf: conf
images: new_image_manager(conf.image_rebuild_frequency * 60)
builds: []BuildConfig{len: conf.max_concurrent_builds}
atomics: []u64{len: conf.max_concurrent_builds}
return d
// run starts the actual agent daemon. This function will run forever.
pub fn (mut d AgentDaemon) run() {
// This is just so that the very first time the loop is ran, the jobs are
// always polled
mut last_poll_time := time.now().add_seconds(-d.conf.polling_frequency)
mut sleep_time := 1 * time.second
mut finished, mut empty := 0, 0
for {
finished, empty = d.update_atomics()
// No new finished builds and no free slots, so there's nothing to be
// done
if finished + empty == 0 {
time.sleep(1 * time.second)
// Builds have finished, so old builder images might have freed up.
// TODO this might query the docker daemon too frequently.
if finished > 0 {
// The agent will always poll for new jobs after at most
// `polling_frequency` seconds. However, when jobs have finished, the
// agent will also poll for new jobs. This is because jobs are often
// clustered together (especially when mostly using the global cron
// schedule), so there's a much higher chance jobs are available.
if finished > 0 || time.now() >= last_poll_time.add_seconds(d.conf.polling_frequency) {
new_configs := d.client.poll_jobs(d.conf.arch, finished + empty) or {
d.lerror('Failed to poll jobs: $err.msg()')
// TODO pick a better delay here
time.sleep(5 * time.second)
last_poll_time = time.now()
for config in new_configs {
// TODO handle this better than to just skip the config
// Make sure a recent build base image is available for
// building the config
d.images.refresh_image(config.base_image) or {
// No new jobs were scheduled and the agent isn't doing anything,
// so we just wait until the next polling period.
if new_configs.len == 0 && finished + empty == d.conf.max_concurrent_builds {
sleep_time = time.now() - last_poll_time
// The agent is not doing anything, so we just wait until the next poll
// time
else if finished + empty == d.conf.max_concurrent_builds {
sleep_time = time.now() - last_poll_time
// update_atomics checks for each build whether it's completed, and sets it to
// empty again if so. The return value is a tuple `(finished, empty)` where
// `finished` is how many builds were just finished and thus set to empty, and
// `empty` is how many build slots were already empty. The amount of running
// builds can then be calculated by substracting these two values from the
// total allowed concurrent builds.
fn (mut d AgentDaemon) update_atomics() (int, int) {
mut finished := 0
mut empty := 0
for i in 0 .. d.atomics.len {
if stdatomic.load_u64(&d.atomics[i]) == agent.build_done {
stdatomic.store_u64(&d.atomics[i], agent.build_empty)
} else if stdatomic.load_u64(&d.atomics[i]) == agent.build_empty {
return finished, empty
// start_build starts a build for the given BuildConfig.
fn (mut d AgentDaemon) start_build(config BuildConfig) bool {
for i in 0 .. d.atomics.len {
if stdatomic.load_u64(&d.atomics[i]) == agent.build_empty {
stdatomic.store_u64(&d.atomics[i], agent.build_running)
d.builds[i] = config
go d.run_build(i, config)
return true
return false
// run_build actually starts the build process for a given target.
fn (mut d AgentDaemon) run_build(build_index int, config BuildConfig) {
d.linfo('started build: $config')
// 0 means success, 1 means failure
mut status := 0
new_config := BuildConfig{
base_image: d.images.get(config.base_image)
res := build.build_config(d.client.address, d.client.api_key, new_config) or {
d.ldebug('build_config error: $err.msg()')
status = 1
if status == 0 {
d.linfo('Uploading build logs for $config')
// TODO use the arch value here
build_arch := os.uname().machine
d.client.add_build_log(config.target_id, res.start_time, res.end_time, build_arch,
res.exit_code, res.logs) or { d.lerror('Failed to upload logs for $config') }
} else {
d.lwarn('an error occurred during build: $config')
stdatomic.store_u64(&d.atomics[build_index], agent.build_done)
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
module agent
import time
import docker
import build
// An ImageManager is a utility that creates builder images from given base
// images, updating these builder images if they've become too old. This
// structure can manage images from any number of base images, paving the way
// for configurable base images per target/repository.
struct ImageManager {
max_image_age int [required]
// For each base image, one or more builder images can exist at the same
// time
images map[string][]string [required]
// For each base image, we track when its newest image was built
timestamps map[string]time.Time [required]
// new_image_manager initializes a new image manager.
fn new_image_manager(max_image_age int) ImageManager {
return ImageManager{
max_image_age: max_image_age
images: map[string][]string{}
timestamps: map[string]time.Time{}
// get returns the name of the newest image for the given base image. Note that
// this function should only be called *after* a first call to `refresh_image`.
pub fn (m &ImageManager) get(base_image string) string {
return m.images[base_image].last()
// refresh_image builds a new builder image from the given base image if the
// previous builder image is too old or non-existent. This function will do
// nothing if these conditions aren't met, so it's safe to call it every time
// you want to ensure an image is up to date.
fn (mut m ImageManager) refresh_image(base_image string) ! {
if base_image in m.timestamps
&& m.timestamps[base_image].add_seconds(m.max_image_age) > time.now() {
// TODO use better image tags for built images
new_image := build.create_build_image(base_image) or {
return error('Failed to build builder image from base image $base_image')
m.images[base_image] << new_image
m.timestamps[base_image] = time.now()
// clean_old_images removes all older builder images that are no longer in use.
// The function will always leave at least one builder image, namely the newest
// one.
fn (mut m ImageManager) clean_old_images() {
mut dd := docker.new_conn() or { return }
defer {
dd.close() or {}
mut i := 0
for image in m.images.keys() {
i = 0
for i < m.images[image].len - 1 {
// For each builder image, we try to remove it by calling the Docker
// API. If the function returns an error or false, that means the image
// wasn't deleted. Therefore, we move the index over. If the function
// returns true, the array's length has decreased by one so we don't
// move the index.
dd.remove_image(m.images[image][i]) or { i += 1 }
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
module agent
import log
// log a message with the given level
pub fn (mut d AgentDaemon) log(msg string, level log.Level) {
lock d.logger {
d.logger.send_output(msg, level)
// lfatal create a log message with the fatal level
pub fn (mut d AgentDaemon) lfatal(msg string) {
d.log(msg, log.Level.fatal)
// lerror create a log message with the error level
pub fn (mut d AgentDaemon) lerror(msg string) {
d.log(msg, log.Level.error)
// lwarn create a log message with the warn level
pub fn (mut d AgentDaemon) lwarn(msg string) {
d.log(msg, log.Level.warn)
// linfo create a log message with the info level
pub fn (mut d AgentDaemon) linfo(msg string) {
d.log(msg, log.Level.info)
// ldebug create a log message with the debug level
pub fn (mut d AgentDaemon) ldebug(msg string) {
d.log(msg, log.Level.debug)
@ -16,6 +16,22 @@ const (
'/usr/local/bin', '/usr/bin/site_perl', '/usr/bin/vendor_perl', '/usr/bin/core_perl']
pub struct BuildConfig {
target_id int
kind string
url string
branch string
repo string
base_image string
force bool
// str return a single-line string representation of a build log
pub fn (c BuildConfig) str() string {
return '{ target: $c.target_id, kind: $c.kind, url: $c.url, branch: $c.branch, repo: $c.repo, base_image: $c.base_image, force: $c.force }'
// create_build_image creates a builder image given some base image which can
// then be used to build & package Arch images. It mostly just updates the
// system, install some necessary packages & creates a non-root user to run
@ -93,10 +109,25 @@ pub:
logs string
// build_target builds, packages & publishes a given Arch package based on the
// build_target builds the given target. Internally it calls `build_config`.
pub fn build_target(address string, api_key string, base_image_id string, target &Target, force bool) !BuildResult {
config := BuildConfig{
target_id: target.id
kind: target.kind
url: target.url
branch: target.branch
repo: target.repo
base_image: base_image_id
force: force
return build_config(address, api_key, config)
// build_config builds, packages & publishes a given Arch package based on the
// provided target. The base image ID should be of an image previously created
// by create_build_image. It returns the logs of the container.
pub fn build_target(address string, api_key string, base_image_id string, target &Target) !BuildResult {
pub fn build_config(address string, api_key string, config BuildConfig) !BuildResult {
mut dd := docker.new_conn()!
defer {
@ -104,14 +135,14 @@ pub fn build_target(address string, api_key string, base_image_id string, target
build_arch := os.uname().machine
build_script := create_build_script(address, target, build_arch)
build_script := create_build_script(address, config, build_arch)
// We convert the build script into a base64 string, which then gets passed
// to the container as an env var
base64_script := base64.encode_str(build_script)
c := docker.NewContainer{
image: '$base_image_id'
image: '$config.base_image'
env: [
@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
module build
import models { Target }
import cron.expression { CronExpression, parse_expression }
import time
import datatypes { MinHeap }
import util
struct BuildJob {
pub mut:
// Time at which this build job was created/queued
created time.Time
// Next timestamp from which point this job is allowed to be executed
timestamp time.Time
// Required for calculating next timestamp after having pop'ed a job
ce CronExpression
// Actual build config sent to the agent
config BuildConfig
// Whether this is a one-time job
single bool
// Allows BuildJob structs to be sorted according to their timestamp in
// MinHeaps
fn (r1 BuildJob) < (r2 BuildJob) bool {
return r1.timestamp < r2.timestamp
// The build job queue is responsible for managing the list of scheduled builds
// for each architecture. Agents receive jobs from this queue.
pub struct BuildJobQueue {
// Schedule to use for targets without explicitely defined cron expression
default_schedule CronExpression
// Base image to use for targets without defined base image
default_base_image string
mutex shared util.Dummy
// For each architecture, a priority queue is tracked
queues map[string]MinHeap<BuildJob>
// When a target is removed from the server or edited, its previous build
// configs will be invalid. This map allows for those to be simply skipped
// by ignoring any build configs created before this timestamp.
invalidated map[int]time.Time
// new_job_queue initializes a new job queue
pub fn new_job_queue(default_schedule CronExpression, default_base_image string) BuildJobQueue {
return BuildJobQueue{
default_schedule: default_schedule
default_base_image: default_base_image
invalidated: map[int]time.Time{}
// insert_all executes insert for each architecture of the given Target.
pub fn (mut q BuildJobQueue) insert_all(target Target) ! {
for arch in target.arch {
q.insert(target: target, arch: arch.value)!
pub struct InsertConfig {
target Target [required]
arch string [required]
single bool
force bool
now bool
// insert a new target's job into the queue for the given architecture. This
// job will then be endlessly rescheduled after being pop'ed, unless removed
// explicitely.
pub fn (mut q BuildJobQueue) insert(input InsertConfig) ! {
lock q.mutex {
if input.arch !in q.queues {
q.queues[input.arch] = MinHeap<BuildJob>{}
mut job := BuildJob{
created: time.now()
single: input.single
config: BuildConfig{
target_id: input.target.id
kind: input.target.kind
url: input.target.url
branch: input.target.branch
repo: input.target.repo
// TODO make this configurable
base_image: q.default_base_image
force: input.force
if !input.now {
ce := if input.target.schedule != '' {
parse_expression(input.target.schedule) or {
return error("Error while parsing cron expression '$input.target.schedule' (id $input.target.id): $err.msg()")
} else {
job.timestamp = ce.next_from_now()!
job.ce = ce
} else {
job.timestamp = time.now()
// reschedule the given job by calculating the next timestamp and re-adding it
// to its respective queue. This function is called by the pop functions
// *after* having pop'ed the job.
fn (mut q BuildJobQueue) reschedule(job BuildJob, arch string) ! {
new_timestamp := job.ce.next_from_now()!
new_job := BuildJob{
created: time.now()
timestamp: new_timestamp
// pop_invalid pops all invalid jobs.
fn (mut q BuildJobQueue) pop_invalid(arch string) {
for {
job := q.queues[arch].peek() or { return }
if job.config.target_id in q.invalidated
&& job.created < q.invalidated[job.config.target_id] {
// This pop *should* never fail according to the source code
q.queues[arch].pop() or {}
} else {
// peek shows the first job for the given architecture that's ready to be
// executed, if present.
pub fn (mut q BuildJobQueue) peek(arch string) ?BuildJob {
// Even peek requires a write lock, because pop_invalid can modify the data
// structure
lock q.mutex {
if arch !in q.queues {
return none
job := q.queues[arch].peek()?
if job.timestamp < time.now() {
return job
return none
// pop removes the first job for the given architecture that's ready to be
// executed from the queue and returns it, if present.
pub fn (mut q BuildJobQueue) pop(arch string) ?BuildJob {
lock q.mutex {
if arch !in q.queues {
return none
mut job := q.queues[arch].peek()?
if job.timestamp < time.now() {
job = q.queues[arch].pop()?
if !job.single {
// TODO how do we handle this properly? Is it even possible for a
// cron expression to not return a next time if it's already been
// used before?
q.reschedule(job, arch) or {}
return job
return none
// pop_n tries to pop at most n available jobs for the given architecture.
pub fn (mut q BuildJobQueue) pop_n(arch string, n int) []BuildJob {
lock q.mutex {
if arch !in q.queues {
return []
mut out := []BuildJob{}
for out.len < n {
mut job := q.queues[arch].peek() or { break }
if job.timestamp < time.now() {
job = q.queues[arch].pop() or { break }
if !job.single {
// TODO idem
q.reschedule(job, arch) or {}
out << job
} else {
return out
return []
// invalidate a target's old build jobs.
pub fn (mut q BuildJobQueue) invalidate(target_id int) {
q.invalidated[target_id] = time.now()
@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
module build
import models { Target }
// escape_shell_string escapes any characters that could be interpreted
// incorrectly by a shell. The resulting value should be safe to use inside an
// echo statement.
@ -23,13 +21,13 @@ pub fn echo_commands(cmds []string) []string {
// create_build_script generates a shell script that builds a given Target.
fn create_build_script(address string, target &Target, build_arch string) string {
repo_url := '$address/$target.repo'
fn create_build_script(address string, config BuildConfig, build_arch string) string {
repo_url := '$address/$config.repo'
mut commands := [
// This will later be replaced by a proper setting for changing the
// mirrorlist
"echo -e '[$target.repo]\\nServer = $address/\$repo/\$arch\\nSigLevel = Optional' >> /etc/pacman.conf"
"echo -e '[$config.repo]\\nServer = $address/\$repo/\$arch\\nSigLevel = Optional' >> /etc/pacman.conf"
// We need to update the package list of the repo we just added above.
// This should however not pull in a lot of packages as long as the
// builder image is rebuilt frequently.
@ -38,22 +36,22 @@ fn create_build_script(address string, target &Target, build_arch string) string
'su builder',
commands << match target.kind {
commands << match config.kind {
'git' {
if target.branch == '' {
if config.branch == '' {
"git clone --single-branch --depth 1 '$target.url' repo",
"git clone --single-branch --depth 1 '$config.url' repo",
} else {
"git clone --single-branch --depth 1 --branch $target.branch '$target.url' repo",
"git clone --single-branch --depth 1 --branch $config.branch '$config.url' repo",
'url' {
'mkdir repo',
"curl -o repo/PKGBUILD -L '$target.url'",
"curl -o repo/PKGBUILD -L '$config.url'",
else {
@ -65,14 +63,22 @@ fn create_build_script(address string, target &Target, build_arch string) string
'cd repo',
'makepkg --nobuild --syncdeps --needed --noconfirm',
'source PKGBUILD',
if !config.force {
// The build container checks whether the package is already present on
// the server.
'curl -s --head --fail $repo_url/$build_arch/\$pkgname-\$pkgver-\$pkgrel && exit 0',
// If the above curl command succeeds, we don't need to rebuild the
// package. However, because we're in a su shell, the exit command will
// drop us back into the root shell. Therefore, we must check whether
// we're in root so we don't proceed.
'[ "\$(id -u)" == 0 ] && exit 0',
commands << [
'curl -s --head --fail $repo_url/$build_arch/\$pkgname-\$pkgver-\$pkgrel && exit 0',
// If the above curl command succeeds, we don't need to rebuild the
// package. However, because we're in a su shell, the exit command will
// drop us back into the root shell. Therefore, we must check whether
// we're in root so we don't proceed.
'[ "\$(id -u)" == 0 ] && exit 0',
commands << [
'MAKEFLAGS="-j\$(nproc)" makepkg -s --noconfirm --needed && for pkg in \$(ls -1 *.pkg*); do curl -XPOST -T "\$pkg" -H "X-API-KEY: \$API_KEY" $repo_url/publish; done',
@ -1,42 +1,46 @@
module build
import models { Target }
fn test_create_build_script_git_branch() {
target := Target{
id: 1
config := BuildConfig{
target_id: 1
kind: 'git'
url: 'https://examplerepo.com'
branch: 'main'
repo: 'vieter'
base_image: 'not-used:latest'
build_script := create_build_script('https://example.com', target, 'x86_64')
build_script := create_build_script('https://example.com', config, 'x86_64')
expected := $embed_file('build_script_git_branch.sh')
assert build_script == expected.to_string().trim_space()
fn test_create_build_script_git() {
target := Target{
id: 1
config := BuildConfig{
target_id: 1
kind: 'git'
url: 'https://examplerepo.com'
repo: 'vieter'
base_image: 'not-used:latest'
build_script := create_build_script('https://example.com', target, 'x86_64')
build_script := create_build_script('https://example.com', config, 'x86_64')
expected := $embed_file('build_script_git.sh')
assert build_script == expected.to_string().trim_space()
fn test_create_build_script_url() {
target := Target{
id: 1
config := BuildConfig{
target_id: 1
kind: 'url'
url: 'https://examplerepo.com'
repo: 'vieter'
base_image: 'not-used:latest'
build_script := create_build_script('https://example.com', target, 'x86_64')
build_script := create_build_script('https://example.com', config, 'x86_64')
expected := $embed_file('build_script_url.sh')
assert build_script == expected.to_string().trim_space()
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
module client
import build { BuildConfig }
import web.response { Response }
// poll_jobs requests a list of new build jobs from the server.
pub fn (c &Client) poll_jobs(arch string, max int) ![]BuildConfig {
data := c.send_request<[]BuildConfig>(.get, '/api/v1/jobs/poll', {
'arch': arch
'max': max.str()
return data.data
// queue_job adds a new one-time build job for the given target to the job
// queue.
pub fn (c &Client) queue_job(target_id int, arch string, force bool) !Response<string> {
data := c.send_request<string>(.post, '/api/v1/jobs/queue', {
'target': target_id.str()
'arch': arch
'force': force.str()
return data
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import os
import build
// build locally builds the target with the given id.
fn build(conf Config, target_id int) ! {
fn build(conf Config, target_id int, force bool) ! {
c := client.new(conf.address, conf.api_key)
target := c.get_target(target_id)!
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ fn build(conf Config, target_id int) ! {
image_id := build.create_build_image(conf.base_image)!
println('Running build...')
res := build.build_target(conf.address, conf.api_key, image_id, target)!
res := build.build_target(conf.address, conf.api_key, image_id, target, force)!
println('Removing build image...')
@ -182,11 +182,44 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
required_args: 1
usage: 'id'
description: 'Build the target with the given id & publish it.'
flags: [
name: 'force'
description: 'Build the target without checking whether it needs to be renewed.'
flag: cli.FlagType.bool
name: 'remote'
description: 'Schedule the build on the server instead of running it locally.'
flag: cli.FlagType.bool
name: 'arch'
description: 'Architecture to schedule build for. Required when using -remote.'
flag: cli.FlagType.string
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ! {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')!
conf := vconf.load<Config>(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)!
build(conf, cmd.args[0].int())!
remote := cmd.flags.get_bool('remote')!
force := cmd.flags.get_bool('force')!
target_id := cmd.args[0].int()
if remote {
arch := cmd.flags.get_string('arch')!
if arch == '' {
return error('When scheduling the build remotely, you have to specify an architecture.')
c := client.new(conf.address, conf.api_key)
res := c.queue_job(target_id, arch, force)!
} else {
build(conf, target_id, force)!
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ fn (mut d Daemon) run_build(build_index int, sb ScheduledBuild) {
mut status := 0
res := build.build_target(d.client.address, d.client.api_key, d.builder_images.last(),
&sb.target) or {
&sb.target, false) or {
d.ldebug('build_target error: $err.msg()')
status = 1
@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ pub fn (db &VieterDb) add_build_log(log BuildLog) int {
insert log into BuildLog
// Here, this does work because a log doesn't contain any foreign keys,
// meaning the ORM only has to do a single add
inserted_id := db.conn.last_id() as int
return inserted_id
@ -38,14 +38,17 @@ pub fn (db &VieterDb) get_target(target_id int) ?Target {
// add_target inserts the given target into the database.
pub fn (db &VieterDb) add_target(repo Target) int {
pub fn (db &VieterDb) add_target(target Target) int {
sql db.conn {
insert repo into Target
insert target into Target
inserted_id := db.conn.last_id() as int
// ID of inserted target is the largest id
inserted_target := sql db.conn {
select from Target order by id desc limit 1
return inserted_id
return inserted_target.id
// delete_target deletes the target with the given id from the database.
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import console.schedule
import console.man
import console.aur
import cron
import agent
fn main() {
mut app := cli.Command{
@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ fn main() {
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
module server
import web
import web.response { new_data_response, new_response }
// v1_poll_job_queue allows agents to poll for new build jobs.
['/api/v1/jobs/poll'; auth; get]
fn (mut app App) v1_poll_job_queue() web.Result {
arch := app.query['arch'] or {
return app.json(.bad_request, new_response('Missing arch query arg.'))
max_str := app.query['max'] or {
return app.json(.bad_request, new_response('Missing max query arg.'))
max := max_str.int()
mut out := app.job_queue.pop_n(arch, max).map(it.config)
return app.json(.ok, new_data_response(out))
// v1_queue_job allows queueing a new one-time build job for the given target.
['/api/v1/jobs/queue'; auth; post]
fn (mut app App) v1_queue_job() web.Result {
target_id := app.query['target'] or {
return app.json(.bad_request, new_response('Missing target query arg.'))
arch := app.query['arch'] or {
return app.json(.bad_request, new_response('Missing arch query arg.'))
if arch == '' {
app.json(.bad_request, new_response('Empty arch query arg.'))
force := 'force' in app.query
target := app.db.get_target(target_id) or {
return app.json(.bad_request, new_response('Unknown target id.'))
app.job_queue.insert(target: target, arch: arch, single: true, now: true, force: force) or {
return app.status(.internal_server_error)
return app.status(.ok)
@ -12,17 +12,17 @@ fn (mut app App) v1_get_targets() web.Result {
filter := models.from_params<TargetFilter>(app.query) or {
return app.json(http.Status.bad_request, new_response('Invalid query parameters.'))
repos := app.db.get_targets(filter)
targets := app.db.get_targets(filter)
return app.json(.ok, new_data_response(repos))
return app.json(.ok, new_data_response(targets))
// v1_get_single_target returns the information for a single target.
['/api/v1/targets/:id'; auth; get]
fn (mut app App) v1_get_single_target(id int) web.Result {
repo := app.db.get_target(id) or { return app.not_found() }
target := app.db.get_target(id) or { return app.not_found() }
return app.json(.ok, new_data_response(repo))
return app.json(.ok, new_data_response(target))
// v1_post_target creates a new target from the provided query string.
@ -30,22 +30,27 @@ fn (mut app App) v1_get_single_target(id int) web.Result {
fn (mut app App) v1_post_target() web.Result {
mut params := app.query.clone()
// If a repo is created without specifying the arch, we assume it's meant
// If a target is created without specifying the arch, we assume it's meant
// for the default architecture.
if 'arch' !in params || params['arch'] == '' {
params['arch'] = app.conf.default_arch
new_repo := models.from_params<Target>(params) or {
mut new_target := models.from_params<Target>(params) or {
return app.json(http.Status.bad_request, new_response(err.msg()))
// Ensure someone doesn't submit an invalid kind
if new_repo.kind !in models.valid_kinds {
if new_target.kind !in models.valid_kinds {
return app.json(http.Status.bad_request, new_response('Invalid kind.'))
id := app.db.add_target(new_repo)
id := app.db.add_target(new_target)
new_target.id = id
// Add the target to the job queue
// TODO return better error here if it's the cron schedule that's incorrect
app.job_queue.insert_all(new_target) or { return app.status(.internal_server_error) }
return app.json(.ok, new_data_response(id))
@ -54,6 +59,7 @@ fn (mut app App) v1_post_target() web.Result {
['/api/v1/targets/:id'; auth; delete]
fn (mut app App) v1_delete_target(id int) web.Result {
return app.json(.ok, new_response(''))
@ -69,7 +75,10 @@ fn (mut app App) v1_patch_target(id int) web.Result {
app.db.update_target_archs(id, arch_objs)
repo := app.db.get_target(id) or { return app.status(.internal_server_error) }
target := app.db.get_target(id) or { return app.status(.internal_server_error) }
return app.json(.ok, new_data_response(repo))
app.job_queue.insert_all(target) or { return app.status(.internal_server_error) }
return app.json(.ok, new_data_response(target))
@ -5,12 +5,14 @@ import conf as vconf
struct Config {
log_level string = 'WARN'
pkg_dir string
data_dir string
api_key string
default_arch string
port int = 8000
log_level string = 'WARN'
pkg_dir string
data_dir string
api_key string
default_arch string
global_schedule string = '0 3'
port int = 8000
base_image string = 'archlinux:base-devel'
// cmd returns the cli submodule that handles starting the server
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import log
import repo
import util
import db
import build { BuildJobQueue }
import cron.expression
const (
log_file_name = 'vieter.log'
@ -20,7 +22,26 @@ pub:
conf Config [required; web_global]
pub mut:
repo repo.RepoGroupManager [required; web_global]
db db.VieterDb
// Keys are the various architectures for packages
job_queue BuildJobQueue [required; web_global]
db db.VieterDb
// init_job_queue populates a fresh job queue with all the targets currently
// stored in the database.
fn (mut app App) init_job_queue() ! {
// Initialize build queues
mut targets := app.db.get_targets(limit: 25)
mut i := u64(0)
for targets.len > 0 {
for target in targets {
i += 25
targets = app.db.get_targets(limit: 25, offset: i)
// server starts the web server & starts listening for requests
@ -30,6 +51,10 @@ pub fn server(conf Config) ! {
util.exit_with_message(1, "'any' is not allowed as the value for default_arch.")
global_ce := expression.parse_expression(conf.global_schedule) or {
util.exit_with_message(1, 'Invalid global cron expression: $err.msg()')
// Configure logger
log_level := log.level_from_tag(conf.log_level) or {
util.exit_with_message(1, 'Invalid log level. The allowed values are FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO & DEBUG.')
@ -71,11 +96,17 @@ pub fn server(conf Config) ! {
util.exit_with_message(1, 'Failed to initialize database: $err.msg()')
mut app := &App{
logger: logger
api_key: conf.api_key
conf: conf
repo: repo
db: db
}, conf.port)
job_queue: build.new_job_queue(global_ce, conf.base_image)
app.init_job_queue() or {
util.exit_with_message(1, 'Failed to inialize job queue: $err.msg()')
web.run(app, conf.port)
@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ data_dir = "data"
pkg_dir = "data/pkgs"
log_level = "DEBUG"
default_arch = "x86_64"
arch = "x86_64"
address = "http://localhost:8000"
global_schedule = '* *'
# global_schedule = '* *'
api_update_frequency = 2
image_rebuild_frequency = 1
max_concurrent_builds = 3
Reference in New Issue