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The goal of this job queue design is to process jobs in order, with each job moving through a pipeline of tasks that need to be completed.

At any given time, a job is in one of a few given states, e.g. "queued". These states are explained below. Along with this, each job also has a "dispatched" flag. If this flag is set to true, it means this job is currently being processed. "Being processed" could mean anything; it depends entirely on the state a job's in. While a job is dispatched, it is no longer present in the priority queue of its respective state.


A job describes a scheduled build as it moves through the pipeline of states. The job queue datastructure keeps track of all jobs in a central red-black binary tree. For each state, a priority queue tracks in what order jobs should be processed.


  • queued: a job that's in the job queue but does not yet need to be executed (as defined by its timestamp)
  • ready: a job that's scheduled for building, with all preprocessing tasks fulfilled.
  • build_finished: a job whose build has finished, and is waiting for any post-build tasks.
  • failed: a job whose processing failed at some point. Jobs in this state include a failure report that describes in what state they failed, and why.