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module main
import os
2019-07-24 13:49:00 +02:00
#flag windows -l shell32
struct MsvcResult {
full_cl_exe_path string
exe_path string
um_lib_path string
ucrt_lib_path string
vs_lib_path string
um_include_path string
ucrt_include_path string
vs_include_path string
shared_include_path string
// Mimics a HKEY
type RegKey voidptr
// Taken from the windows SDK
const (
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = RegKey(0x80000002)
KEY_QUERY_VALUE = (0x0001)
KEY_WOW64_32KEY = (0x0200)
// Given a root key look for one of the subkeys in 'versions' and get the path
fn find_windows_kit_internal(key RegKey, versions []string) ?string {
$if windows {
for version in versions {
required_bytes := 0 // TODO mut
result := C.RegQueryValueExW(key, version.to_wide(), 0, 0, 0, &required_bytes)
length := required_bytes / 2
if result != 0 {
alloc_length := (required_bytes + 2)
mut value := &u16(malloc(alloc_length))
2019-09-21 17:21:45 +02:00
if isnil(value) {
result2 := C.RegQueryValueExW(key, version.to_wide(), 0, 0, value, &alloc_length)
if result2 != 0 {
// We might need to manually null terminate this thing
// So just make sure that we do that
if (value[length - 1] != u16(0)) {
value[length] = u16(0)
return string_from_wide(value)
return error('windows kit not found')
struct WindowsKit {
um_lib_path string
ucrt_lib_path string
um_include_path string
ucrt_include_path string
shared_include_path string
// Try and find the root key for installed windows kits
fn find_windows_kit_root() ?WindowsKit {
$if windows {
root_key := RegKey(0)
rc := C.RegOpenKeyExA(
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows Kits\\Installed Roots', 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_WOW64_32KEY | KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS, &root_key)
defer {C.RegCloseKey(root_key)}
if rc != 0 {
return error('Unable to open root key')
// Try and find win10 kit
kit_root := find_windows_kit_internal(root_key, ['KitsRoot10', 'KitsRoot81']) or {
return error('Unable to find a windows kit')
kit_lib := kit_root + 'Lib'
// println(kit_lib)
files := os.ls(kit_lib)
mut highest_path := ''
mut highest_int := 0
for f in files {
no_dot := f.replace('.', '')
v_int := no_dot.int()
if v_int > highest_int {
highest_int = v_int
highest_path = f
kit_lib_highest := kit_lib + '\\$highest_path'
kit_include_highest := kit_lib_highest.replace('Lib', 'Include')
// println('$kit_lib_highest $kit_include_highest')
return WindowsKit {
um_lib_path: kit_lib_highest + '\\um\\x64'
ucrt_lib_path: kit_lib_highest + '\\ucrt\\x64'
um_include_path: kit_include_highest + '\\um'
ucrt_include_path: kit_include_highest + '\\ucrt'
shared_include_path: kit_include_highest + '\\shared'
return error('Host OS does not support funding a windows kit')
struct VsInstallation {
include_path string
lib_path string
exe_path string
fn find_vs() ?VsInstallation {
$if !windows {
return error('Host OS does not support finding a Vs installation')
// Emily:
// VSWhere is guaranteed to be installed at this location now
// If its not there then end user needs to update their visual studio
// installation!
res := os.exec('""%ProgramFiles(x86)%\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\Installer\\vswhere.exe" -latest -products * -requires Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64 -property installationPath"') or {
return error(err)
// println('res: "$res"')
version := os.read_file('$res.output\\VC\\Auxiliary\\Build\\Microsoft.VCToolsVersion.default.txt') or {
println('Unable to find msvc version')
return error('Unable to find vs installation')
// println('version: $version')
v := if version.ends_with('\n') {
version.left(version.len - 2)
} else {
lib_path := '$res.output\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\$v\\lib\\x64'
include_path := '$res.output\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\$v\\include'
if os.file_exists('$lib_path\\vcruntime.lib') {
p := '$res.output\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\$v\\bin\\Hostx64\\x64'
// println('$lib_path $include_path')
return VsInstallation{
exe_path: p
lib_path: lib_path
include_path: include_path
println('Unable to find vs installation (attempted to use lib path "$lib_path")')
return error('Unable to find vs exe folder')
fn find_msvc() ?MsvcResult {
$if windows {
wk := find_windows_kit_root() or {
return error('Unable to find windows sdk')
vs := find_vs() or {
return error('Unable to find visual studio')
return MsvcResult {
full_cl_exe_path: os.realpath( vs.exe_path + os.PathSeparator + 'cl.exe' )
exe_path: vs.exe_path,
um_lib_path: wk.um_lib_path,
ucrt_lib_path: wk.ucrt_lib_path,
vs_lib_path: vs.lib_path,
um_include_path: wk.um_include_path,
ucrt_include_path: wk.ucrt_include_path,
vs_include_path: vs.include_path,
shared_include_path: wk.shared_include_path,
$else {
verror('Cannot find msvc on this OS')
2019-08-29 02:30:17 +02:00
return error('msvc not found')
2019-08-07 16:26:08 +02:00
pub fn (v mut V) cc_msvc() {
r := find_msvc() or {
// TODO: code reuse
if !v.pref.is_debug && v.out_name_c != 'v.c' && v.out_name_c != 'v_macos.c' {
verror('Cannot find MSVC on this OS.')
2019-08-29 02:30:17 +02:00
out_name_obj := os.realpath( v.out_name_c + '.obj' )
// Default arguments
// volatile:ms enables atomic volatile (gcc _Atomic)
// -w: no warnings
// 2 unicode defines
// /Fo sets the object file name - needed so we can clean up after ourselves properly
mut a := ['-w', '/we4013', '/volatile:ms', '/Fo"$out_name_obj"']
if v.pref.is_prod {
a << '/O2'
a << '/MD'
} else {
a << '/Z7'
a << '/MDd'
if v.pref.is_so {
if !v.out_name.ends_with('.dll') {
v.out_name = v.out_name + '.dll'
// Build dll
a << '/LD'
} else if !v.out_name.ends_with('.exe') {
v.out_name = v.out_name + '.exe'
v.out_name = os.realpath( v.out_name )
mut alibs := []string // builtin.o os.o http.o etc
2019-09-10 16:36:14 +02:00
if v.pref.build_mode == .build_module {
else if v.pref.build_mode == .embed_vlib {
else if v.pref.build_mode == .default_mode {
b := os.realpath( '$ModPath/vlib/builtin.obj' )
alibs << '"$b"'
if !os.file_exists(b) {
println('`builtin.obj` not found')
for imp in v.table.imports {
if imp == 'webview' {
alibs << '"' + os.realpath( '$ModPath/vlib/${imp}.obj' ) + '"'
if v.pref.sanitize {
println('Sanitize not supported on msvc.')
// The C file we are compiling
//a << '"$TmpPath/$v.out_name_c"'
a << '"' + os.realpath( v.out_name_c ) + '"'
// Emily:
// Not all of these are needed (but the compiler should discard them if they are not used)
// these are the defaults used by msbuild and visual studio
mut real_libs := [
2019-09-20 16:03:13 +02:00
sflags := v.get_os_cflags().msvc_string_flags()
real_libs << sflags.real_libs
inc_paths := sflags.inc_paths
lib_paths := sflags.lib_paths
other_flags := sflags.other_flags
// Include the base paths
a << '-I "$r.ucrt_include_path"'
a << '-I "$r.vs_include_path"'
a << '-I "$r.um_include_path"'
a << '-I "$r.shared_include_path"'
a << inc_paths
a << other_flags
// Libs are passed to cl.exe which passes them to the linker
a << real_libs.join(' ')
a << '/link'
a << '/NOLOGO'
a << '/OUT:"$v.out_name"'
a << '/LIBPATH:"$r.ucrt_lib_path"'
a << '/LIBPATH:"$r.um_lib_path"'
a << '/LIBPATH:"$r.vs_lib_path"'
a << '/INCREMENTAL:NO' // Disable incremental linking
if !v.pref.is_prod {
a << '/DEBUG:FULL'
} else {
a << '/DEBUG:NONE'
a << lib_paths
args := a.join(' ')
cmd := '""$r.full_cl_exe_path" $args"'
// It is hard to see it at first, but the quotes above ARE balanced :-| ...
// Also the double quotes at the start ARE needed.
if v.pref.show_c_cmd || v.pref.is_verbose {
println('\n========== cl cmd line:')
// println('$cmd')
2019-08-28 12:06:25 +02:00
res := os.exec(cmd) or {
verror('msvc error')
2019-08-29 02:30:17 +02:00
2019-08-28 12:06:25 +02:00
if res.exit_code != 0 {
2019-08-28 12:06:25 +02:00
// println(res)
// println('C OUTPUT:')
if !v.pref.is_debug && v.out_name_c != 'v.c' && v.out_name_c != 'v_macos.c' {
2019-08-20 15:32:15 +02:00
// Always remove the object file - it is completely unnecessary
fn build_thirdparty_obj_file_with_msvc(path string, moduleflags []CFlag) {
msvc := find_msvc() or {
println('Could not find visual studio')
// msvc expects .obj not .o
mut obj_path := '${path}bj'
obj_path = os.realpath(obj_path)
if os.file_exists(obj_path) {
println('$obj_path already build.')
println('$obj_path not found, building it (with msvc)...')
parent := os.dir(obj_path)
files := os.ls(parent)
mut cfiles := ''
for file in files {
if file.ends_with('.c') {
cfiles += '"' + os.realpath( parent + os.PathSeparator + file ) + '" '
include_string := '-I "$msvc.ucrt_include_path" -I "$msvc.vs_include_path" -I "$msvc.um_include_path" -I "$msvc.shared_include_path"'
//println('cfiles: $cfiles')
btarget := moduleflags.c_options_before_target()
atarget := moduleflags.c_options_after_target()
cmd := '""$msvc.full_cl_exe_path" /volatile:ms /Z7 $include_string /c $btarget $cfiles $atarget /Fo"$obj_path""'
//NB: the quotes above ARE balanced.
println('thirdparty cmd line: $cmd')
res := os.exec(cmd) or {
2019-08-29 02:30:17 +02:00
2019-07-25 15:05:44 +02:00
struct MsvcStringFlags {
real_libs []string
inc_paths []string
lib_paths []string
other_flags []string
fn (cflags []CFlag) msvc_string_flags() MsvcStringFlags {
mut real_libs := []string
mut inc_paths := []string
mut lib_paths := []string
mut other_flags := []string
for flag in cflags {
//println('fl: $flag.name | flag arg: $flag.value')
// We need to see if the flag contains -l
// -l isnt recognised and these libs will be passed straight to the linker
// by the compiler
if flag.name == '-l' {
if flag.value.ends_with('.dll') {
verror('MSVC cannot link against a dll (`#flag -l $flag.value`)')
// MSVC has no method of linking against a .dll
// TODO: we should look for .defs aswell
lib_lib := flag.value + '.lib'
real_libs << lib_lib
else if flag.name == '-I' {
inc_paths << flag.format()
else if flag.name == '-L' {
lib_paths << flag.value
lib_paths << flag.value + os.PathSeparator + 'msvc'
// The above allows putting msvc specific .lib files in a subfolder msvc/ ,
// where gcc will NOT find them, but cl will do...
// NB: gcc is smart enough to not need .lib files at all in most cases, the .dll is enough.
// When both a msvc .lib file and .dll file are present in the same folder,
// as for example for glfw3, compilation with gcc would fail.
else if flag.value.ends_with('.o') {
// msvc expects .obj not .o
other_flags << '"${flag.value}bj"'
else {
other_flags << flag.value
mut lpaths := []string
for l in lib_paths {
lpaths << '/LIBPATH:"' + os.realpath(l) + '"'
return MsvcStringFlags{ real_libs, inc_paths, lpaths, other_flags }