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Starting the server

To start a server, either install it using Docker (see Installation) or run it locally by executing vieter server. See Configuration for more information about configuring the binary.

Multiple repositories

Vieter works with multiple repositories. This means that a single Vieter server can serve multiple repositories in Pacman. It also automatically divides files with specific architectures among arch-repos. Arch-repos are the actual repositories you add to your /etc/pacman.conf file. See Configuring Pacman below for more info.

Adding packages

Using Vieter is currently very simple. If you wish to add a package to Vieter, build it using makepkg & POST that file to the /<repo>/publish endpoint of your server. This will add the package to the repository. Authentification requires you to add the API key as the X-Api-Key header.

All of this can be combined into a simple cURL call:

curl -XPOST -H "X-API-KEY: your-key" -T some-package.pkg.tar.zst

somerepo is automatically created if it doesn't exist yet.

Configuring Pacman

Configuring Pacman to use a Vieter instance is very simple. In your /etc/pacman.conf file, add the following lines:

Server =$repo/$arch
SigLevel = Optional

Here, you see two important placeholder variables. $repo is replaced by the name within the square brackets, which in this case would be vieter. $arch is replaced by the output of uname -m. Because Vieter supports multiple repositories & architectures per repository, using this notation makes sure you always use the correct endpoint for fetching files.

I recommend placing this below all other repository entries, as the order decides which repository should be used if there's ever a naming conflict.