2021-12-17 13:22:09 +00:00
module gg
2021-12-20 13:18:21 +00:00
import gx
2021-12-17 13:22:09 +00:00
import js.dom
pub enum DOMEventType {
pub struct Event {
pub mut:
frame_count u64
typ DOMEventType
2021-12-22 10:26:52 +00:00
key_code KeyCode
2021-12-17 13:22:09 +00:00
char_code u32
key_repeat bool
modifiers u32
2021-12-21 10:31:29 +00:00
mouse_button MouseButton
2021-12-17 13:22:09 +00:00
mouse_x f32
mouse_y f32
mouse_dx f32
mouse_dy f32
scroll_x f32
scroll_y f32
// todo(playX): add touches API support in js.dom
// num_touches int
2021-12-26 11:02:51 +00:00
// touches [8]TouchPoint
2021-12-17 13:22:09 +00:00
window_width int
window_height int
framebuffer_width int
framebuffer_height int
pub enum DOMMouseButton {
invalid = -1
left = 0
right = 1
middle = 2
pub enum DOMModifier {
shift = 1 //(1<<0)
ctrl = 2 //(1<<1)
alt = 4 //(1<<2)
super = 8 //(1<<3)
lmb = 0x100
rmb = 0x200
mmb = 0x400
pub enum DOMKeyCode {
invalid = 0
space = 32
apostrophe = 39 //'
comma = 44 //,
minus = 45 //-
period = 46 //.
slash = 47 ///
_0 = 48
_1 = 49
_2 = 50
_3 = 51
_4 = 52
_5 = 53
_6 = 54
_7 = 55
_8 = 56
_9 = 57
semicolon = 59 //;
equal = 61 //=
a = 65
b = 66
c = 67
d = 68
e = 69
f = 70
g = 71
h = 72
i = 73
j = 74
k = 75
l = 76
m = 77
n = 78
o = 79
p = 80
q = 81
r = 82
s = 83
t = 84
u = 85
v = 86
w = 87
x = 88
y = 89
z = 90
left_bracket = 91 //[
backslash = 92 //\
right_bracket = 93 //]
grave_accent = 96 //`
world_1 = 161 // non-us #1
world_2 = 162 // non-us #2
escape = 256
enter = 257
tab = 258
backspace = 259
insert = 260
delete = 261
right = 262
left = 263
down = 264
up = 265
page_up = 266
page_down = 267
home = 268
end = 269
caps_lock = 280
scroll_lock = 281
num_lock = 282
print_screen = 283
pause = 284
f1 = 290
f2 = 291
f3 = 292
f4 = 293
f5 = 294
f6 = 295
f7 = 296
f8 = 297
f9 = 298
f10 = 299
f11 = 300
f12 = 301
f13 = 302
f14 = 303
f15 = 304
f16 = 305
f17 = 306
f18 = 307
f19 = 308
f20 = 309
f21 = 310
f22 = 311
f23 = 312
f24 = 313
f25 = 314
kp_0 = 320
kp_1 = 321
kp_2 = 322
kp_3 = 323
kp_4 = 324
kp_5 = 325
kp_6 = 326
kp_7 = 327
kp_8 = 328
kp_9 = 329
kp_decimal = 330
kp_divide = 331
kp_multiply = 332
kp_subtract = 333
kp_add = 334
kp_enter = 335
kp_equal = 336
left_shift = 340
left_control = 341
left_alt = 342
left_super = 343
right_shift = 344
right_control = 345
right_alt = 346
right_super = 347
menu = 348
2021-12-20 13:18:21 +00:00
pub struct Config {
width int
height int
use_ortho bool // unused, still here just for backwards compatibility
retina bool
resizable bool
user_data voidptr
font_size int
create_window bool
// window_user_ptr voidptr
window_title string
borderless_window bool
always_on_top bool
bg_color gx.Color
init_fn FNCb = voidptr(0)
frame_fn FNCb = voidptr(0)
native_frame_fn FNCb = voidptr(0)
cleanup_fn FNCb = voidptr(0)
fail_fn FNFail = voidptr(0)
event_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0)
quit_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0)
keydown_fn FNKeyDown = voidptr(0)
keyup_fn FNKeyUp = voidptr(0)
char_fn FNChar = voidptr(0)
move_fn FNMove = voidptr(0)
click_fn FNClick = voidptr(0)
unclick_fn FNUnClick = voidptr(0)
leave_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0)
enter_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0)
resized_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0)
scroll_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0)
// wait_events bool // set this to true for UIs, to save power
fullscreen bool
scale f32 = 1.0
sample_count int
swap_interval int = 1 // 1 = 60fps, 2 = 30fps etc. The preferred swap interval (ignored on some platforms)
// ved needs this
// init_text bool
font_path string
custom_bold_font_path string
ui_mode bool // refreshes only on events to save CPU usage
// font bytes for embedding
font_bytes_normal []byte
font_bytes_bold []byte
font_bytes_mono []byte
font_bytes_italic []byte
native_rendering bool // Cocoa on macOS/iOS, GDI+ on Windows
// drag&drop
enable_dragndrop bool // enable file dropping (drag'n'drop), default is false
max_dropped_files int = 1 // max number of dropped files to process (default: 1)
max_dropped_file_path_length int = 2048 // max length in bytes of a dropped UTF-8 file path (default: 2048)
2021-12-22 10:26:52 +00:00
canvas string
const size = Size{0, 0}
pub fn window_size() Size {
return gg.size
2021-12-20 13:18:21 +00:00
pub struct Context {
render_text bool = true
image_cache []Image
needs_refresh bool = true
ticks int
pub mut:
scale f32 = 1.0
width int
height int
window JS.Window [noinit]
config Config
user_data voidptr
ui_mode bool
frame u64
mbtn_mask byte
mouse_buttons MouseButtons
mouse_pos_x int
mouse_pos_y int
mouse_dx int
mouse_dy int
scroll_x int
scroll_y int
key_modifiers Modifier // the current key modifiers
key_repeat bool // whether the pressed key was an autorepeated one
pressed_keys [key_code_max]bool // an array representing all currently pressed keys
pressed_keys_edge [key_code_max]bool // true when the previous state of pressed_keys,
2021-12-21 10:31:29 +00:00
context JS.CanvasRenderingContext2D [noinit]
2021-12-22 10:26:52 +00:00
canvas JS.HTMLCanvasElement [noinit]
2021-12-20 13:18:21 +00:00
// *before* the current event was different
2021-12-22 10:26:52 +00:00
fn get_canvas(elem JS.HTMLElement) &JS.HTMLCanvasElement {
match elem {
JS.HTMLCanvasElement {
return elem
else {
panic('gg: element is not an HTMLCanvasElement')
fn get_context(canvas JS.HTMLCanvasElement) JS.CanvasRenderingContext2D {
ctx := canvas.getContext('2d'.str, js_undefined()) or { panic('cannot get context') }
match ctx {
JS.CanvasRenderingContext2D {
return ctx
else {
panic('failed to get 2D context')
2021-12-20 13:18:21 +00:00
pub fn new_context(cfg Config) &Context {
mut g := &Context{}
2021-12-21 10:31:29 +00:00
2021-12-20 13:18:21 +00:00
g.user_data = cfg.user_data
g.width = cfg.width
g.height = cfg.height
g.ui_mode = cfg.ui_mode
2021-12-22 10:26:52 +00:00
mut sz := gg.size
sz.height = g.height
sz.width = g.width
2021-12-20 13:18:21 +00:00
g.config = cfg
if isnil(cfg.user_data) {
g.user_data = g
g.window = dom.window()
2021-12-22 10:26:52 +00:00
document := dom.document
canvas_elem := document.getElementById(cfg.canvas.str) or {
panic('gg: cannot get canvas element')
2021-12-21 10:31:29 +00:00
2021-12-22 10:26:52 +00:00
canvas := get_canvas(canvas_elem)
g.canvas = canvas
g.context = get_context(g.canvas)
2021-12-21 10:31:29 +00:00
mouse_down_event_handler := fn [mut g] (event JS.Event) {
match event {
JS.MouseEvent {
2021-12-22 10:26:52 +00:00
e := g.handle_mouse_event(event, .mouse_down)
if !isnil(g.config.event_fn) {
f := g.config.event_fn
f(e, g.config.user_data)
2021-12-21 10:31:29 +00:00
if !isnil(g.config.click_fn) {
f := g.config.click_fn
f(e.mouse_x, e.mouse_y, e.mouse_button, g.config.user_data)
else {}
mouse_up_event_handler := fn [mut g] (event JS.Event) {
match event {
JS.MouseEvent {
2021-12-22 10:26:52 +00:00
e := g.handle_mouse_event(event, .mouse_up)
if !isnil(g.config.event_fn) {
f := g.config.event_fn
f(e, g.config.user_data)
2021-12-21 10:31:29 +00:00
if !isnil(g.config.unclick_fn) {
f := g.config.unclick_fn
f(e.mouse_x, e.mouse_y, e.mouse_button, g.config.user_data)
else {}
mouse_move_event_handler := fn [mut g] (event JS.Event) {
match event {
JS.MouseEvent {
2021-12-22 10:26:52 +00:00
e := g.handle_mouse_event(event, .mouse_move)
if !isnil(g.config.event_fn) {
f := g.config.event_fn
f(e, g.config.user_data)
2021-12-21 10:31:29 +00:00
if !isnil(g.config.move_fn) {
f := g.config.move_fn
f(e.mouse_x, e.mouse_y, g.config.user_data)
else {}
mouse_leave_event_handler := fn [mut g] (event JS.Event) {
match event {
JS.MouseEvent {
2021-12-22 10:26:52 +00:00
e := g.handle_mouse_event(event, .mouse_leave)
if !isnil(g.config.event_fn) {
f := g.config.event_fn
f(e, g.config.user_data)
2021-12-21 10:31:29 +00:00
if !isnil(g.config.leave_fn) {
f := g.config.leave_fn
f(e, g.config.user_data)
else {}
2021-12-20 13:18:21 +00:00
2021-12-21 10:31:29 +00:00
mouse_enter_event_handler := fn [mut g] (event JS.Event) {
match event {
JS.MouseEvent {
2021-12-22 10:26:52 +00:00
e := g.handle_mouse_event(event, .mouse_enter)
if !isnil(g.config.event_fn) {
f := g.config.event_fn
f(e, g.config.user_data)
2021-12-21 10:31:29 +00:00
if !isnil(g.config.enter_fn) {
f := g.config.enter_fn
f(e, g.config.user_data)
else {}
2021-12-22 10:26:52 +00:00
keydown_event_handler := fn [mut g] (event JS.Event) {
match event {
JS.KeyboardEvent {
e := g.handle_keyboard_event(event, .key_down)
if !isnil(g.config.event_fn) {
f := g.config.event_fn
f(e, g.config.user_data)
if !isnil(g.config.keydown_fn) {
f := g.config.keydown_fn
// todo: modifiers
f(e.key_code, .super, g.config.user_data)
else {}
g.canvas.addEventListener('mousedown'.str, mouse_down_event_handler, JS.EventListenerOptions{})
2021-12-21 10:31:29 +00:00
dom.window().addEventListener('mouseup'.str, mouse_up_event_handler, JS.EventListenerOptions{})
2021-12-22 10:26:52 +00:00
g.canvas.addEventListener('mousemove'.str, mouse_move_event_handler, JS.EventListenerOptions{})
g.canvas.addEventListener('mouseleave'.str, mouse_leave_event_handler, JS.EventListenerOptions{})
g.canvas.addEventListener('mouseenter'.str, mouse_enter_event_handler, JS.EventListenerOptions{})
dom.document.addEventListener('keydown'.str, keydown_event_handler, JS.EventListenerOptions{})
2021-12-20 13:18:21 +00:00
return g
pub fn (mut ctx Context) run() {
gg_animation_frame_fn(mut ctx)
pub fn (mut ctx Context) begin() {
2021-12-21 10:31:29 +00:00
// ctx.context.beginPath()
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pub fn (mut ctx Context) end() {
2021-12-21 10:31:29 +00:00
// ctx.context.closePath()
2021-12-20 13:18:21 +00:00
pub fn (mut ctx Context) draw_line(x1 f32, y1 f32, x2 f32, y2 f32, c gx.Color) {
2021-12-21 10:31:29 +00:00
ctx.context.strokeStyle = c.to_css_string().str
ctx.context.moveTo(x1, y1)
ctx.context.lineTo(x2, y2)
2021-12-20 13:18:21 +00:00
2021-12-22 10:26:52 +00:00
pub fn (mut ctx Context) quit() {
2021-12-20 13:18:21 +00:00
pub fn (mut ctx Context) draw_rect(x f32, y f32, w f32, h f32, c gx.Color) {
2021-12-21 10:31:29 +00:00
ctx.context.fillStyle = c.to_css_string().str
ctx.context.fillRect(x, y, w, h)
2021-12-20 13:18:21 +00:00
fn gg_animation_frame_fn(mut g Context) {
2021-12-21 10:31:29 +00:00
g.context.clearRect(0, 0, g.config.width, g.config.height)
2021-12-20 13:18:21 +00:00
// todo(playXE): handle events
2021-12-21 10:31:29 +00:00
2021-12-20 13:18:21 +00:00
if !isnil(g.config.frame_fn) {
f := g.config.frame_fn
g.needs_refresh = false
g.window.requestAnimationFrame(fn [mut g] (time JS.Number) {
gg_animation_frame_fn(mut g)
2021-12-21 10:31:29 +00:00
2021-12-22 10:26:52 +00:00
fn (mut g Context) handle_mouse_event(event JS.MouseEvent, typ DOMEventType) Event {
2021-12-21 10:31:29 +00:00
mut e := Event{}
2021-12-22 10:26:52 +00:00
e.typ = typ
2021-12-21 10:31:29 +00:00
e.frame_count = g.frame
match int(event.button) {
0 {
e.mouse_button = .left
1 {
e.mouse_button = .middle
2 {
e.mouse_button = .right
else {
e.mouse_button = .invalid
e.mouse_x = int(event.offsetX)
e.mouse_y = int(event.offsetY)
e.mouse_dx = int(event.movementX)
e.mouse_dy = int(event.movementY)
bitplace := int(event.button)
g.mbtn_mask |= byte(1 << bitplace)
// g.mouse_buttons = MouseButtons(g.mbtn_mask)
g.mouse_pos_x = int(event.offsetX)
g.mouse_pos_y = int(event.offsetY)
g.mouse_dx = int(event.movementX)
g.mouse_dy = int(event.movementY)
return e
2021-12-22 10:26:52 +00:00
fn (mut g Context) handle_keyboard_event(event JS.KeyboardEvent, typ DOMEventType) Event {
mut e := Event{}
e.typ = typ
e.frame_count = g.frame
match string(event.code) {
'Space' {
e.key_code = .space
'Minus' {
e.key_code = .minus
'Quote' {
e.key_code = .apostrophe
'Comma' {
e.key_code = .comma
'Period' {
e.key_code = .period
'Digit0' {
e.key_code = ._0
'Digit1' {
e.key_code = ._1
'Digit2' {
e.key_code = ._2
'Digit3' {
e.key_code = ._3
'Digit4' {
e.key_code = ._4
'Digit5' {
e.key_code = ._5
'Digit6' {
e.key_code = ._6
'Digit7' {
e.key_code = ._7
'Digit8' {
e.key_code = ._8
'Digit9' {
e.key_code = ._9
'Semicolon' {
e.key_code = .semicolon
'Equal' {
e.key_code = .equal
'KeyA' {
e.key_code = .a
'KeyB' {
e.key_code = .b
'KeyC' {
e.key_code = .c
'KeyD' {
e.key_code = .d
'KeyE' {
e.key_code = .e
'KeyF' {
e.key_code = .f
'KeyG' {
e.key_code = .g
'KeyH' {
e.key_code = .h
'KeyI' {
e.key_code = .i
'KeyJ' {
e.key_code = .j
'KeyK' {
e.key_code = .k
'KeyL' {
e.key_code = .l
'KeyM' {
e.key_code = .m
'KeyN' {
e.key_code = .n
'KeyO' {
e.key_code = .o
'KeyP' {
e.key_code = .p
'KeyQ' {
e.key_code = .q
'KeyR' {
e.key_code = .r
'KeyS' {
e.key_code = .s
'KeyT' {
e.key_code = .t
'KeyU' {
e.key_code = .u
'KeyV' {
e.key_code = .v
'KeyW' {
e.key_code = .w
'KeyX' {
e.key_code = .x
'KeyY' {
e.key_code = .y
'KeyZ' {
e.key_code = .z
'BracketLeft' {
e.key_code = .left_bracket
'BracketRight' {
e.key_code = .right_bracket
'Backslash' {
e.key_code = .backslash
'Backquote' {
e.key_code = .grave_accent
'Escape' {
e.key_code = .escape
'Enter' {
e.key_code = .enter
'Tab' {
e.key_code = .tab
'Backspace' {
e.key_code = .backspace
'Insert' {
e.key_code = .insert
'Delete' {
e.key_code = .delete
'ArrowRight' {
e.key_code = .right
'ArrowLeft' {
e.key_code = .left
'ArrowUp' {
e.key_code = .up
'ArrowDown' {
e.key_code = .down
'PageUp' {
e.key_code = .page_up
'PageDown' {
e.key_code = .page_down
'Home' {
e.key_code = .home
'End' {
e.key_code = .end
'CapsLock' {
e.key_code = .caps_lock
'ScrollLock' {
e.key_code = .scroll_lock
'NumLock' {
e.key_code = .num_lock
'PrintScreen' {
e.key_code = .print_screen
'Pause' {
e.key_code = .pause
'ShiftLeft' {
e.key_code = .left_shift
'ShiftRight' {
e.key_code = .right_shift
'AltLeft' {
e.key_code = .left_alt
'AltRight' {
e.key_code = .right_alt
'ControlLeft' {
e.key_code = .left_control
'ControlRight' {
e.key_code = .right_control
else {
panic('todo: more keycodes (${string(event.code)})')
return e